A. 75th
B. 82th
C. 89th
D. 93rd
Correct Answer: D. 93rd
Detailed About MCQs
The International Budget Partnership (IBP) focuses on government budgets because they are at the core of development. Budgets are the government’s most powerful tool to meet the needs of its people, especially those who are poor and marginalized. The Open budget survey (OBS) has placed Pakistan in 93rd position among 117 nations in terms of budget accountability and transparency. The survey conducted by the International Budget Partnership (IBP) released the ranking on April 29, 2020. Pakistan’s transparency score of 28 in the OBS 2019 is substantially lower than its score in 2017. The Open Budget Survey is part of the International Budget Partnership’s Open Budget Initiative, global research, and advocacy program to promote public access to budget information and the adoption of accountable budget systems.