Note: 2023 All Papers English MCQs. These English MCQs taken from different exams were conducted in Pakistan in 2023.
1. I looked ___ her children when she was ___ hospital.
A. After, at
B. At, in
C. Towards, at
D. After, in
Correct Answer: D. After, In
Detail about MCQs
In this sentence, the word “after” is used to indicate that the action of looking after her children occurred during the time when she was in the hospital. The preposition “in” is used to show the location of the action (being in the hospital). Therefore, the correct combination is “after” and “in” to convey the intended meaning.
2. Man can never be satiated ___ pleasure.
A. With
B. Of
C. To
D. About
Correct Answer: A. With
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The preposition “with” is used in this context to express the idea that pleasure is the thing with which a man can never be satiated or fully satisfied.
3. I am one of the people who ___ late for classes today.
A. Were
B. Was
C. Has been
D. None
Correct Answer: A. Were
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The subject of the sentence is “people,” which is plural. When the subject is plural (people), the corresponding verb should also be plural. Therefore, “were” is the correct form in this sentence. The complete sentence would be: “I am one of the people who were late for classes today.”
4. Choose the right Sentence:
A. Joe likes to walk run and swimming
B. Joe likes to walk, running and swimming
C. Joe likes walk, run band to swim
D. Joe likes walking, running and swimming
Correct Answer: D. Joe likes walking, running and swimming
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Verb Consistency: The verbs “walking,” “running,” and “swimming” are in the gerund form, which is appropriate when listing activities or actions.
Parallel Structure: The items in the list (walking, running, and swimming) are presented in parallel form. This means that they are grammatically consistent, making the sentence clearer and more aesthetically pleasing.
Commas: Commas are used to separate items in the list, providing clarity and indicating that these are separate activities Joe enjoys.
Overall, the correct sentence effectively communicates Joe’s enjoyment of three activities (walking, running, and swimming) with proper grammar and punctuation.
5. The color of walls faded ___.
A. Of
B. Away
C. On
D. At
Correct Answer: B. Away
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In this context, “away” is the appropriate word to indicate the gradual disappearance or diminishing of the color. The phrase “faded away” is commonly used to describe the process of colors losing their vibrancy or intensity over time.
6. She became neglectful ___ her appearance.
A. From
B. With
C. By
D. Of
Correct Answer: D. Of
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In this context, the preposition “of” is used to indicate the object of neglect, which is her appearance. The sentence suggests that she became negligent or inattentive concerning how she presents herself.
7. ___ the very moment, the phone rang.
A. At
B. In
C. During
D. By
Correct Answer: A. At
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The preposition “at” is used to indicate a specific point in time, and in this context, it is used to specify the moment when the phone rang.
8. The army began their long march ___ the coast.
A. By
B. To
C. On
D. Along
Correct Answer: B. To
Detail about MCQs
In this case, “to” is used to indicate the destination or endpoint of the march, suggesting that the army started marching with the goal of reaching the coast.
9. He made ten mistakes ___ many lines.
A. For
B. Into
C. In
D. About
Correct Answer: C. In
Detail about MCQs
In this context, “in” is the appropriate preposition to indicate the location or context within which the mistakes were made—specifically, within many lines.
10. I have known her ___ a great many years.
A. By
B. For
C. Since
D. About
Correct Answer: B. For
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In this context, “for” is used to indicate the duration of time for which the speaker has known her. The phrase “for a great many years” suggests a long period of acquaintance or familiarity.
11. You are too ___.
A. Ingenious
B. Ingenuous
C. Intelligent
D. Smart
Correct Answer: D. Smart
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The adjective “smart” is commonly used to describe someone who is intelligent, quick-witted, or clever. It encompasses a broad range of mental abilities, including problem-solving skills, understanding, and adaptability.
12. Our skin cream contains only natural ___.
A. Elements
B. Parts
C. Ingredients
D. Contents
Correct Answer: C. Ingredients
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In this context, “ingredients” is the most appropriate word. It refers to the components or constituents used in making a product, in this case, the skin cream. The sentence is indicating that the skin cream is made from natural substances.
13. There is a striking family ___ between them.
A. Liking
B. Liken
C. Likeness
D. Likelihood
Correct Answer: C. Likeness
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In this context, “likeness” is the correct term. It refers to the similarity or resemblance between two individuals or things, especially in the context of family resemblances. The sentence suggests that there is a noticeable similarity in appearance or characteristics among the family members.
14. Prime Minister ___ inequality to security threat.
A. Likes
B. Is Liking
C. Liking
D. Likens
Correct Answer: D. Likens
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In this context, “likens” is the correct choice. “Likens” is the third person singular form of the verb “liken,” which means to compare or draw a parallel between two things. The sentence implies that the Prime Minister compares or sees a similarity between inequality and a security threat.
15. Life is often ___ to a journey.
A. Likened
B. Likens
C. Liken
D. Liking
Correct Answer: A. Likened
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In this context, “likened” is the correct form. “Likened” is the past participle of the verb “liken,” which means to compare or draw a parallel between two things. The sentence suggests that life is frequently compared or seen as similar to a journey.
16. Choose the correct Spelt word.
A. Cockpet
B. Cockpat
C. Cookpit
D. Cockpit
Correct Answer: D. Cockpit
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This term refers to the compartment in an aircraft where the pilot and sometimes the crew sit during flight. It is also used to describe the area for controlling a boat or racing car.
17. Choose the correct Spelt word.
A. Cookroch
B. Cookroach
C. Cockroach
D. Cockrooch
Correct Answer: C. Cockroach
18. Choose the correct Spelt word.
A. Coercion
B. Cohercion
C. Coershon
D. Cocrcian
Correct Answer: A. Coercion
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This term refers to the practice of persuading someone to do something using force or threats. It involves compelling or forcing someone to act against their will.
19. Choose the correct Spelt word.
A. Striked
B. Stricken
C. Struk
D. Striken
Correct Answer: B. Stricken
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This is the past participle form of the verb “strike.” It is often used as an adjective to describe something that has been affected by a difficult or distressing situation. For example, “stricken with grief” means deeply affected by grief.
20. Choose the correct Spelt word.
A. Excitemint
B. Excitemant
C. Exsitement
D. Excitement
Correct Answer: D. Excitement
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This is the correct and standard spelling. It refers to a state of being emotionally aroused, thrilled, or stirred by something interesting, stimulating, or challenging.
21. I was ___ my early twenties when I came to this city.
A. At
B. In
C. Into
D. On
Correct Answer: B. In
Detail about MCQs
This usage is consistent with expressing the age or time period during which the action (coming to the city) occurred.
22. The morning sun was rising slowly ___ the hillside.
A. On
B. By
C. Over
D. Into
Correct Answer: C. Over
Detail about MCQs
“The morning sun was rising slowly over the hillside.”
This usage indicates the direction of the sun’s movement, suggesting that it is ascending above the hillside.
23. He is half-way ___ his thesis.
A. In
B. For
C. Through
D. Into
Correct Answer: C. Through
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The preposition “through” is used in this context to convey the idea of progress or advancement. When someone is “half-way through” a task or project, it means they have completed half of it, and there is an expectation that they will continue until it is finished.
24. He sat ___ his head in his hands.
A. By
B. With
C. Into
D. Through
Correct Answer: B. With
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It conveys that he sat in a manner where his head was supported or held by his hands. This is a common expression to describe someone in a posture of distress or contemplation.
25. No one knows the exact meaning of the word. We had better ___ the dictionary.
A. To Consult
B. Consulting
C. Consult
D. Consulted
Correct Answer: A. To Consult
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The correct choice here is the base form of the verb “consult.” The sentence is suggesting that, since no one knows the exact meaning of the word, it is advisable to consult the dictionary to find the meaning.
26. Rarely ____ their grandparents.
A. They Visits
B. They do visit
C. Do they visit
D. They visit
Correct Answer: D. They Visit
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This construction is a simple present tense statement. The correct form is “They visit,” where “visit” is the base form of the verb. The other options have issues with subject-verb agreement or word order:
27. A journey of a thousand miles ___ a single step.
A. Begin with
B. Begins with
C. Will be began with
D. Will have began with
Correct Answer: B. Begins with
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This is a well-known proverb, and the correct usage is “begins with.” The phrase emphasizes the idea that even a daunting task or a long journey starts with a small, initial action. It uses the third person singular present tense verb “begins” to match the subject “journey.”
28. Neither Hafsa nor children ___ coming to the party.
A. Will
B. Is
C. Are
D. Is not
Correct Answer: C. Are
Detail about MCQs
When using “neither…nor,” the verb should agree with the closer subject. In this case, “the children” is plural, so the plural form “are” should be used.
29. If it rained heavily, the whole village ___ destroyed.
A. Will be
B. Would be
C. Had
D. Will have
Correct Answer: B. Would Be
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This sentence is a conditional statement expressing a hypothetical situation. In conditional sentences like this, where the condition is not fulfilled, “would” is used to indicate the consequence. Therefore, “would be” is the correct choice in this context.
30. Choose the Correct Spelling.
A. Maintenance
B. Maintnance
C. Maintanance
D. Mantenance
Correct Answer: A. Maintenance
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Maintenance: This is the correct and standard spelling. It refers to the process of maintaining or preserving something, such as equipment, systems, or property.
31. Choose the Correct Spelling.
A. Liebrary
B. Liberary
C. Library
D. Libreary
Correct Answer: C. Library
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Library: This is the correct and standard spelling. It refers to a place where books and other informational materials are kept for people to read, study, or borrow.
32. Choose the Correct Spelling.
A. Jewelery
B. Jewelry
C. Jewellary
D. Jewellry
Correct Answer: A. Jewelry
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Jewelry: This is the correct and standard spelling. It refers to personal ornaments such as rings, necklaces, and bracelets, typically made from gemstones and precious metals.
33. Choose the Correct Spelling.
A. Courteous
B. Curteous
C. Courtous
D. Corteous
Correct Answer: A. Courteous
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Courteous: This is the correct and standard spelling. It means polite, respectful, and considerate in behavior.
34. Choose the Correct Spelling.
A. Accompanement
B. Acompaniment
C. Accompaniment
D. Accompeniment
Correct Answer: C. Accompaniment
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Accompaniment: This is the correct and standard spelling. It refers to a musical part that supports or provides background for a solo instrument, voice, or group.
35. The inspector must enquire ___ the complaint.
A. About
B. In
C. Into
D. Of
Correct Answer: C. Into
Detail about MCQs
This construction is often used when someone is investigating or looking into the details of a complaint or issue.
36. I am fed up ___ this type of behavior.
A. At
B. Of
C. With
D. By
Correct Answer: C. With
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This construction indicates a feeling of annoyance or frustration toward a particular type of behavior.
37. There is an Exception ___ every rule.
A. On
B. To
C. In
D. For
Correct Answer: B. To
Detail about MCQs
“There is an exception to every rule.”
This construction is idiomatic and commonly used to express the idea that there is always something that does not follow a general rule or pattern.
38. Some people revel ____ gossip.
A. At
B. With
C. By
D. In
Correct Answer: D. In
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“Some people revel in gossip.”
This construction indicates that some individuals take great pleasure or delight in engaging with or spreading gossip.
39. He has good ____ over the famous world languages.
A. Authority
B. Expertise
C. Hold
D. Command
Correct Answer: D. Command
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“He has good command over the famous world languages.”
This usage implies a high level of proficiency or mastery in the world languages.
40. The solder were instructed to ___ restraint and handle the situation peacefully.
A. Exercise
B. Control
C. Enforce
D. Remain
Correct Answer: A. Exercise
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“The soldiers were instructed to exercise restraint and handle the situation peacefully.”
This implies that the soldiers were advised to actively demonstrate or practice restraint in their actions.
41. The two sisters look so ___ that it is difficult to tell one from the other.
A. Resembling
B. Similar
C. Identical
D. Alike
Correct Answer: C. Identical
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“The two sisters look so identical…”
This suggests an extremely high degree of similarity, even to the point of being indistinguishable from each other.
42. I have a profound respect for his political ___.
A. Personality
B. Sagacity
C. Temperament
D. Ambition
Correct Answer: B. Sagacity
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“Sagacity” refers to keen perception, sound judgment, and wisdom, especially in political or practical matters.
43. When I listened to his cogent arguments, all my ___ were ___ and I was forced to agree with his point of view.
A. Senses, Stimulated
B. Doubt , Confirmed
C. Doubt, Dispelled
D. Question, Asked
Correct Answer: C. Doubt, Dispelled
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“When I listened to his cogent arguments, all my doubts were dispelled and I was forced to agree with his point of view.”
This phrase conveys that the doubts were eliminated or removed after hearing the persuasive and compelling arguments.
44. He will be arriving quite late, so by the time he comes, the play
A. Would have Begun
B. Will Begun
C. Will have Begun
D. Would Begun
Correct Answer: C. Will have Begun
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“He will be arriving quite late, so by the time he comes, the play will have begun.”
This construction uses the future perfect tense to indicate an action (the beginning of the play) that will be completed before a specified time in the future (by the time he comes).
45. ___Earth moves around ___ sun.
A. The, A
B. An, The
C. The, The
D. An, A
Correct Answer: C. The, The
Detail about MCQs
The Earth moves around the sun.”
This sentence describes the motion of the Earth in its orbit around the sun.
46. My Friend said to me. “I will meet you tonight.”
A. My Friend told me that I will meet you tonight
B. My Friend told that he will meet me tonight
C. My Friend told me that he would meet me that night
D. My Friend said to me that he will meet me that night
Correct Answer: C. My Friend told me that he would meet me that night
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In reported speech, when reporting a statement made in the present tense, the verb often changes to the past tense. In this case, “said to me” becomes “told me,” and “will” becomes “would” to reflect the change in time.
47. I prefer tea ___ coffee.
A. To
B. Than
C. The
D. Of
Correct Answer: A. To
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In this context, “to” is the appropriate preposition to express a preference for one thing over another.
48. If you read the questions carefully you ___ them easily.
A. Answer
B. Will Answer
C. Might Answer
D. May Answer
Correct Answer: B. Will Answer
49. A person fluent in two languages is known as ___?
A. Bilgamy
B. Bilingual
C. Brittle
D. None of these
Correct Answer: B. Bilingual
50. “Brain Drain” means ___?
A. Mad Person
B. Migration of Skilled Person to Other Country
C. Emigration of Intellectuals Indonesia
D. None of these
Correct Answer: B. Migration of Skilled Person to Other Country
51. They succeeded by ____ hard.
A. Work
B. Worked
C. Working
D. None of these
Correct Answer: B. Working
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In this context, “working” is the present participle that indicates the action they performed to achieve success.
52. Plural of Thief is?
A. Thiefs
B. Thiefes
C. Thieves
D. None of these
Correct Answer: C. Thieves
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Thieves: This is the correct plural form. When a word ends in “f,” the plural is often formed by changing “f” to “v” and adding “es.” Therefore, “thief” becomes “thieves.”
53. There ____ some students who ____ to attend the event.
A. Has, Wants
B. Are, Want
C. Is, Want
D. Was, Wants
Correct Answer: B. Are, Want
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In this context, “are” agrees with the plural noun “students,” and “want” is the correct form to use with a plural subject.
54. The lamp is ____ the table.
A. On
B. In
C. Of
D. Into
Correct Answer: A. On
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This is the correct preposition in this context. When you say “on the table,” it indicates that the lamp is positioned on the surface of the table.
55. Winter session is cold weather.
A. True
B. False
C. Both
D. None of these
Correct Answer: A. True
56. It is a wonderful Park. (Change the sentence into simple past tense)
A. It has a Wonderful Park
B. It was a Wonderful Park
C. It Were a Wonderful Park
D. None of these
Correct Answer: B. It was a Wonderful Park
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The sentence “It is a wonderful park” is in the present tense. When you change it to the simple past tense, it becomes “It was a wonderful park.”
In English, the simple past tense is used to talk about actions or situations that occurred and were completed in the past. The verb “is” in the present tense becomes “was” in the simple past tense when referring to something in the past.
57. I ____ eating a mango.
A. Am
B. Is
C. Are
D. Were
Correct Answer: A. Am
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“I am eating a mango.”
In this sentence, the present continuous tense is used to express an action that is happening at the moment of speaking.
58. If I ____ money, I will buy it tomorrow.
A. Will have
B. Have
C. Has
D. May Have
Correct Answer: B. Have
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This construction uses the present simple tense “have” to express a condition in the present that will determine a future action (“I will buy it tomorrow”).
59. Ali School go to daily on basis (Choose the Correct Sentence)
A. Ali go to School on Daily Basis
B. Ali Goes to School on Daily Basis
C. Ali going to School on Daily Basis
D. None of these
Correct Answer: A. Ali go to School Daily Basis
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Ali Goes to School on Daily Basis: This is the correct sentence. It uses the correct verb form “goes” for the singular subject “Ali,” and it also includes the correct preposition “on” and the article “a” for proper structure.
60. It was ____ earthquake.
A. A
B. An
C. The
D. No Article
Correct Answer: B. An
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“It was an earthquake.”
The use of “an” is appropriate before the vowel sound in “earthquake.”
61. She will become ____ doctor.
A. A
B. An
C. The
D. No Article
Correct Answer: A. A
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“She will become a doctor.”
The use of “a” is appropriate before the consonant sound in “doctor.”
62. He is busy with his work ___.
A. Ins and Out
B. UP to Neck
C. Up to the Hilt
D. Kith and Kin
Correct Answer: C. Up to the Hilt
Detail about MCQs
“He is busy with his work up to the hilt.”
This expression “up to the hilt” is an idiom that means completely or to the maximum extent. It suggests that someone is fully engaged or immersed in their work.
63. She stood by her husband in Weal and Woe. What does the idiom weal and woe means?
A. During Operation
B. During Illness
C. By Hook or Crook
D. In Prosperity and Diversity
Correct Answer: D. In Prosperity and Diversity
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The idiom “in weal and woe” means “In Prosperity and Adversity” or “In Good Times and Bad Times.” It indicates standing by someone or something through both favorable and unfavorable circumstances. In the given sentence, “She stood by her husband in weal and woe” implies that she supported her husband in both good and bad times.
64. ____ Woman that we saw turned out to be our CEO.
A. A
B. The
C. That
D. An
Correct Answer: B. The
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The woman that we saw turned out to be our CEO. In this context, “the” is used to specify a particular woman, the one that the speaker and listener have in mind—the woman they saw who turned out to be their CEO.
65. When the meeting had finished, they went ____ the Plan once again.
A. Down
B. On
D. Over
Correct Answer: D. Over
Detail about MCQs
“When the meeting had finished, they went over the plan once again.”
This usage suggests a review or examination of the plan in detail.
66. We have been able to obtain no information ____ his whereabouts.
A. That of
B. According to
C. In Which
D. As to
Correct Answer: D. As to
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“We have been able to obtain no information as to his whereabouts.”
This expression is used to introduce a subject or topic, in this case, the person’s whereabouts.
67. I didn’t know whether you had to have of these or not, if you ____ one, however, I would have given it to you freely.
A. Had
B. Had had to have
C. Had to Had
D. Have to had
Correct Answer: A. Had
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“I didn’t know whether you had to have one or not, if you had one, however, I would have given it to you freely.”
This construction uses the past perfect tense (“had”) to convey the idea that not knowing occurred before the potential possession of one.
68. Some compound adjectives contain hyphens. Which of the following sentences is correct?
A. He’s a decent-judge of Character
B. She submitted a 190-page document supporting her position
C. We’re adopting a two year old parakeet
D. We’re reading Sanskrit dialect
Correct Answer: B. She submitted a 190-page document supporting her position
Detail about MCQs
“She submitted a 190-page document supporting her position.”
In this sentence, “190-page” is a compound adjective describing the document. The use of the hyphen is appropriate to link the two words in the compound adjective.
69. Do you ___ go to sleep early, is it insomnia?
A. Ever
B. Sometime
C. Never
D. Every time
Correct Answer: A. Ever
Detail about MCQs
“Do you ever go to sleep early, or is it insomnia?”
This construction uses “ever” to inquire about whether the person ever goes to sleep early.
70. Dependable : Capricious
A. Fallible : Cantankerous
B. Capable : Inept
C. Malleable : Inept
D. Incorrigible : Guilty
Correct Answer: B. Capable : Inept
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Capable : Inept
In the first pair, “Dependable” is the opposite of “Capricious,” and in the second pair, “Capable” is the opposite of “Inept.”
71. True health and true success go together for they are inseparably ___ in the realm or thought.
A. Intertwined
B. Bound Up
C. Tied UP
D. Inter-related
Correct Answer: A. Intertwined
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“True health and true success go together for they are inseparably intertwined in the realm of thought.”
This usage of “intertwined” suggests a close, interconnected relationship between true health and true success in the realm of thought.
72. His mural decadence was marked by his ____ from the ways of integrity and honesty.
A. Obsession
B. Declivity
C. Opprobrium
D. Departure
Correct Answer: D. Departure
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This usage of “departure” suggests a deviation or moving away from the values of integrity and honesty.
73. The ___ arguments put forth for not disclosing the facts did not impress anybody.
A. Convincing
B. Specious
C. Spurious
D. Intemperate
Correct Answer: C. Spurious
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“The spurious arguments put forth for not disclosing the facts did not impress anybody.”
“Spurious” means false or not genuine. In this context, it suggests that the arguments were not valid or convincing.
74. The children were ___ by the seemingly nonsensical clues until kinan pointed out that the messages were in code.
A. Censured
B. Pondered
C. Feigned
D. Perplexed
Correct Answer: D. Perplexed
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“The children were perplexed by the seemingly nonsensical clues until Kinan pointed out that the messages were in code.”
“Perplexed” means puzzled or confused, which accurately describes the state of the children when faced with the clues until the explanation was provided.
75. For a ____ fee, it is possible to upgrade from regular gasoline to premium.
A. Nominal
B. Substantive
C. Exorbitant
D. Bountiful
Correct Answer: A. Nominal
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“For a nominal fee, it is possible to upgrade from regular gasoline to premium.”
“Nominal” means very small in amount, and in this context, it indicates a small or negligible fee for the upgrade.
76. It is difficult in believe that charging 20% on an outstanding credit card balance isn’t ____?
A. Bankruptcy
B. Usury
C. Expensive
D. Taxation
Correct Answer: B. Usury
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“Usury” refers to the illegal action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest. In this context, it suggests that charging 20% on a credit card balance might be considered usurious or excessively high.
77. Which of the following sentence is grammatically correct?
A. I and my Friends went to the Movie.
B. My Friends and I went to the Movie.
C. I and My Friends went to the Movie.
D. My Friends and me went to the Movie
Correct Answer: B. My Friends and I went to the Movie.
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“My friends and I went to the movie.”
In this sentence, the pronoun “I” is used correctly as the subject of the verb “went,” and the order of “my friends and I” is appropriate.
78. Which of the following is an example of a subordinate clause?
A. I like Pizza
B. Because I like Pizza
C. Pizza is my Favorite Pizza
D. I Ate Pizza for dinner
Correct Answer: B. Because I like Pizza
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“Because I like pizza.”
This is a subordinate (or dependent) clause because it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. It relies on the main clause (“I like pizza”) to form a complete thought.
79. Which sentence uses the subjunctive mood correctly?
A. If I was you, I would Study more.
B. If I were you, I would Study more.
C. If he was here, He would help us.
D. If he were here, he would help us
Correct Answer: D. If he were here, he would help us
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“If he were here, he would help us.”
In the subjunctive mood, “were” is used instead of “was” when expressing a hypothetical or unreal situation.
80. Which sentence uses the correct tense?
A. I have been reading this book since two hours
B. I had read that book last week
C. I will have finished my homework by 7 Pm
D. I was reading the book when the phone rang.
Correct Answer: D. I was reading the book when the phone rang.
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“I was reading the book when the phone rang.”
This sentence correctly uses the past continuous tense (“was reading”) to describe an ongoing action that was interrupted by another event in the past (“the phone rang”).
81. Which sentence uses the correct adjectives form?
A. The movie was more scarier than I expected
B. The movie was scarier than I expected
C. The movie was scare than I expected
D. The movie was scary than I expected
Correct Answer: B. The movie was scarier than I expected
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This option is grammatically correct. It uses the comparative form “scarier” to compare the level of scariness to the speaker’s expectations.
82. The presence of armed guards at the building entrance ___ us from doing anything disruptive.
A. Defeated
B. Excited
C. Prevented
D. Prohibited
Correct Answer: C. Prevented
Detail about MCQs
“The presence of armed guards at the building entrance prevented us from doing anything disruptive.”
This implies that the armed guards acted as a deterrent and stopped or hindered individuals from engaging in disruptive activities.
83. ‘Argus eyed’ mean:
A. Watchful
B. Devoted
C. Lethargic
D. Clumsy
Correct Answer: A. Watchful
Detail about MCQs
This term is derived from Argus Panoptes, a figure in Greek mythology who had many eyes and was known for his vigilance and watchfulness. Therefore, “Argus-eyed” is used to describe someone who is keenly watchful and observant.
84. Perfect or highly accomplished means?
A. Impropriety
B. Sinister
C. Slovenly
D. None of these
Correct Answer: D. SKilled
Detail about Mcqs
The term “skilled” refers to having the ability, knowledge, and proficiency in a particular task or activity. It is often used to describe someone who has achieved a high level of competence and expertise in their field.
85. Dearth means:
A. Scarcity
B. To punish or Criticize severely
C. To cause, produce, or stir up
D. Habitually fond of associating in a company or herd
Correct Answer: A. Scarcity
Detail about MCQs
The term “dearth” is used to describe a scarcity or lack of something, particularly a shortage or inadequate supply of goods or resources.
86. Fastidious means:
A. A person hard to please
B. A person hard to convince
C. A person hard to get angry
D. A person hard to get essential
Correct Answer: A. Person hard to please
Detail about MCQs
A fastidious person is characterized by being meticulous, careful, or hard to satisfy, especially when it comes to details or standards.
87. Choose the correct Sentence
A. Ali that is glitters is not gold
B. Ali that is glittering is not gold
C. Ali that glitters is not gold
D. Ali which glitters is not gold
Correct Answer: C. Ali that glitters is not gold
Detail about MCQs
This is a well-known proverbial expression that means appearances can be deceiving, and not everything that looks valuable or attractive is necessarily so.
88. Choose the correct sentence:
A. No less than twelve minutes left the hosted
B. No fewer than twelve minutes left hosted
C. No lesser than twelve minutes left the hosted
D. No more than twelve minutes remained before the host left
Detail about MCQs
“No more than twelve minutes remained before the host left.”
This sentence uses the correct expression and structure to convey that there were only a limited number of minutes remaining before the host left.
89. Choose the correct Sentence:
A. He found the gold coins as he cleans the floor
B. He found the gold coins while cleaning the floor
C. He found the gold coins while he cleaning the floor
D. None of these
Correct Answer: B. He found the gold coins while cleaning the floor
Detail about MCQs
“He found the gold coins while cleaning the floor.”
This sentence uses the correct structure, employing “while” to indicate the concurrent actions of finding the gold coins and cleaning the floor.
90. Although they are 250 miles apart, they keep in constant contact on the internet. Is this a
A. Simple Sentence
B. Compound Sentence
C. Complex Sentence
D. Compound Complex Sentence
Correct Answer: C. Complex Sentence
Detail about MCQs
A complex sentence is formed by an independent clause (Although they are 250 miles apart) and a dependent clause (they keep in constant
contact on the internet) joined together. The independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence, but the dependent clause cannot function independently.
91. I know both of them are short ____ money because of their extravagant nature.
A. On
B. Of
C. In
D. With
Correct Answer: B. Of
Detail about MCQs
“I know both of them are short of money because of their extravagant nature.”
This construction indicates a lack or shortage of money and uses the preposition “of” to convey that meaning.
92. He writes ___ red ink
A. With
B. In
C. Of
D. By
Correct Answer: B. In
Detail about MCQs
“He writes in red ink.”
This construction indicates the color in which he writes, using the preposition “in” to specify the medium or context.
93. He was accused ___theft.
A. Of
B. In
C. With
D. None of these
Correct Answer: A. Of
Detail about MCQs
“He was accused of theft.”
This construction is the standard way to express an accusation related to a particular crime or wrongdoing.
94. Do not jeer ____ sacred things.
A. With
B. Upon
C. At
D. None of these
Correct Answer: C. At
Detail about MCQs
“Do not jeer at sacred things.”
This construction uses the preposition “at” to convey the idea of mocking or ridiculing sacred things.
95. He is so dull that he is insensible ___ the beauties of nature.
A. For
B. To
C. Of
D. With
Correct Answer: B. To
Detail about MCQs
“He is so dull that he is insensible to the beauties of nature.”
This construction uses the preposition “to” to express a lack of sensitivity or awareness towards the beauties of nature.
96. The Idiom “To get cold feet” meaning:
A. To run for Life
B. To be Afraid
C. To fall sick
D. To become
Correct Answer: B. To be Afraid
Detail about MCQs
The idiom “to get cold feet” means to become hesitant, anxious, or fearful about doing something that one had initially planned or agreed to do. It refers to a sudden loss of confidence or courage before taking action. Therefore, the correct option would be “To be afraid.”
97. The Idiom “A Fool’s errand” means:
A. An Impossible task
B. A useless Undertaking
C. Both A&B =
D. A Blunder
Correct Answer: C. Both A & B
Detail about MCQs
The idiom “a fool’s errand” typically means an impossible task or a useless undertaking. It implies that the task is futile or bound to fail, and that only a fool would attempt it. Therefore, the correct option would be “An impossible task” and “A useless undertaking.”
98. By the time he was thirty, he ___ many tournaments.
A. Won
B. Had Won
C. Has had Won
D. Was Winning
Correct Answer: B. Had Won
Detail about MCQs
“By the time he was thirty, he had won many tournaments.”
This construction uses the past perfect tense “had won” to indicate an action completed before another past action (by the time he was thirty).
99. It was raining heavily yesterday, so they ____ out.
A. Did not Went
B. Would not Go
C. Did not go
D. Would not gone
Correct Answer: B. C. Did not Go
Detail about MCQs
“It was raining heavily yesterday, so they did not go out.”
This construction uses the negative form “did not go” to indicate that they refrained from going out due to the heavy rain.
100. She is going to quit her job ____they give her a pay rise.
A. Or
B. Until
C. Unless
D. Providing
Correct Answer: C. Unless
Detail about MCQs
“She is going to quit her job unless they give her a pay rise.”
This construction uses “unless” to express the condition under which she would quit her job—specifically, unless she receives a pay rise.
101. Hear the historic monument, there is a bridge ____ the Thames River.
A. Above
B. Over
C. Off
D. Towards
Correct Answer: B. Over
Detail about MCQs
“Hear the historic monument, there is a bridge over the Thames River.”
This construction uses the preposition “over” to indicate the location of the bridge in relation to the Thames River.
102. While UK has earned record revenue this year, ____well behind in exports.
A. It Still Lag
B. It Still Lags
C. It Lag Still
D. It Lags Still
Correct Answer: B. It Still Lags
Detail about MCQs
“While the UK has earned record revenue this year, it still lags well behind in exports.”
This construction uses “lags” to convey the idea that, despite the record revenue, the UK is still behind in exports.
103. Nuclear Energy is ____ dangerous to be used widely.
A. So
B. Such
C. Too
D. That
Correct Answer: C. Too
Detail about MCQs
“Nuclear energy is too dangerous to be used widely.”
This construction uses “too” to express an excessive or undesirable degree of danger associated with nuclear energy.
104. If I have money, I ____ it tomorrow.
A. Will Purchase
B. Would Purchase
C. Have Purchase
D. Have Purchased
Correct Answer: A. Will Purchase
Detail about MCQs
“If I have money, I will purchase it tomorrow.”
This construction uses “will purchase” to express a future action that is contingent upon having money.
105. One word for “Food which agrees with One’s Taste” is?
A. Pungent
B. Palatable
C. Sensuous
D. Edible
Correct Answer: B. Palatable
Detail about MCQs
The word that describes food which agrees with one’s taste is “palatable.” It means that the food is pleasant or agreeable to the taste, appealing and flavorful. palatable” specifically refers to food that is enjoyable to eat.
106. One Word for “A Person employed to drive a private or hired car” is?
A. Chauffeur
B. Jockey
C. Car Servant
Correct Answer: A. Chauffeur
Detail about MCQs
A chauffeur is a professional driver employed to transport individuals, typically in a private or hired car. The duties of a chauffeur may include driving clients to their destinations, maintaining the vehicle, and ensuring a safe and comfortable journey. Chauffeurs are often hired by individuals or companies for personal transportation services. They are expected to provide a high level of professionalism, discretion, and courtesy while carrying out their driving responsibilities.
107. One Word for “Living for years and years” is?
A. Perennial
B. Permanent
C. Annual
D. Continuous
Correct Answer: A. Perennial
Detail about MCQs
The word “perennial” means lasting for a long time, specifically referring to something that continues to exist or be active for many years. It aligns with the idea of living for years and years
108. Idiom “Give Cold Shoulder” means?
A. Shiver
B. Cold meat
C. To ignore
D. To Support
Correct Answer: C. To Ignore
Detail about MCQs
The idiom “give cold shoulder” means to intentionally ignore or show indifference towards someone. It conveys the idea of treating someone with coldness or aloofness, typically by deliberately avoiding social interaction or refusing to acknowledge them.
109. Idiom “Like a sitting duck” means?
A. Lazy
B. Fat
C. Sleepy
D. Defenseless position
Correct Answer: D. Defenseless Position
Detail about MCQs
This expression is often used to describe someone or something that is vulnerable, exposed, or in an unprotected state, similar to a duck that is sitting and easily targeted by hunters.
110. If I ___ the movies during the summer holiday, I ___ the lesson now.
A. Read/ Understood
B. Have read/ Would Understand
C. Read/ Would Understand
D. Had Read/ Would Understand
Correct Answer: D. Had Read/ Would Understand
Detail about MCQs
“If I had read the movies during the summer holiday, I would understand the lesson now.”
This construction uses the past perfect tense “had read” to indicate a completed action in the past, and “would understand” for a hypothetical result in the present.
111. Anna and Tania went shopping, but ___ couldn’t find anything __ liked.
A. They, These
B. They, Them
C. Those, these
D. They, they,
Correct Answer: D. They, They
Detail about MCQs
“Anna and Tania went shopping. bu they couldn’t find anyting they liked.” This construction uses “they” as the pronoun for both Anna and Tania and “they” again as the pronoun for what they liked.
112. Canon had ___ unique qualities ___ it was used widely in ancient times.
A. Such, that
B. Such, So
C. That, Since
D. That, they
Correct Answer: A. Such, That
Detail about MCQs
In this sentence “Such is used to emphasize the distinctive nature of the qualities possessed by the Canon. “Such” is followed by “that” to introduce a consequence or result, indicating that the unique qualities of the Canon led to its widespread usage in ancient times. This construction is commonly used to express cause-and-effect relationships and highlight the significance of the qualities in question
113. Our army achieved as smashing victory (Choose the opposite meaning of Underlined Phrase)
A. Tad Defeat
B. Crushing Defeat
C. Critical Defeat
D. Humiliating Surrender
Correct Answer: C. Critical Defeat
114. He Left no stone unturned to get a job (Choose the Opposite meaning of Underlined Phrase)
A. Traveled for and Wide
B. Went Abroad
C. Made Untrining Efforts
D. Did not try
Correct Answer: D. Did not try
Detail about MCQs
The expression “left no stone unturned” is an idiom that means making every possible effort, trying everything possible. and exploring all avenues to achieve a particular goal. The opposite option, “Did not try:, suggests a lack of effort or initiative in attempting to achieve the goal. which contrasts with the proactive and exhasutive efforts implied by the original statement.
115. He is a chip of the old block (Choose the opposite of Underlined Phrase)
A. Son
B. Grandson
C. Father
D. Grandfather
Correct Answer: B. Grandson
Detail about MCQs
The phrase “chip of the old block” means that someone closely resembles their parent or has similar characterististics and traits. The opposite would be a generation futher down, which would be the “Grandson”.
116. They are Staunch believers in the existence of Allah. (Choose the opposite of Underlined Phrase)
A. Theists
B. Atheists
C. Infidets
D. Non-believers
Correct Answer: B. Atheists
Detail about MCQs
The sentence ” They are staunch believers i the existence of Allah” Implies that the individuals mentioned strongly believe in the existance of Allah, indicating a strong faith in theism. The Opposite of this would be
“Atheists”. Atheists are individuals who do not believe in the existance of any deity or gods. They lack theistic beliefs and, therefore, contrast with staunch believers in theism.
117. A thief made away ___ my cell phone:
A. By
B. With
C. For
D. About
Correct Answer: B. With
Detail about MCqs
In this sentence. the correct preposition is “with”. The phrase “made away with” is an idiomatic expression meaning to steal or take something. Often ina secretive or unauthorized manner. The preposition “with” is used to indicate the instrument or means by which the action is performed, so it appropriately conveys that the thief used a means (stealing) to take the cell phone.
118. Some malefactors commit crimes ___impunity:
A. In
B. For
C. With
D. To
Correct Answer: C. With
Detail about MCqs
In this sentence. The correct preposition is ‘With’. The word “impurity” means extension from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action. When used with “with”, it indicates that the malefactors commit crimes without facing the consequences or without being punished.
119. You ____ stones ___ the window, (Choose the suitable pair of words)
A. Through, Throw
B. Through, Through
C. Throw, Through
D. None of these
Correct Answer: C. Throw, Through
Detail about MCqs
So, the sentence “You throw stones through the window” means that someone is throwing stones and the stones are directed into or towards the window. The pair of words “Throw”, “Through” is suitable in the context to convey the intended meaing.
120. The college is ___ today: it will remain ___ tomorrow as well (Choose the suitable pair of words)
A. Opened, Open
B. Open, Opened
C. Open, Open
D. Opened, Opened
Correct Answer: C. Open, Open
Detail about MCqs
The College is open today: This part of the sentence indicates the current status of the college. Which is that it is not closed and is accessible.
It will remain open tomorrow as well: This part of the sentence suggests that the state of being open will persist into the future, specifically tomorrow. The pair of words “Open, Open” is suitable in this context.
Open (Adjective): Describe the current state of the college
Open (adjective): Indicates that the state will continue in to the future
121. Their only make child is the only ___ to these expensive (Choose the suitable pair of words)
A. Hare, Hairs
B. Hares, heirs
C. Hare, hares
D. Heir, hares
Correct Answer: D. Heir, Hares
Detail about MCQs
The suitable pair of words is Heir, Hares.
In this context:
Heir: Refers to someone who is legally entitled to inherit the property or rank of another.
Hares: The plural form of “hare”, which refers to a type of animal. So, the correct sentence is: Thier only male child is the only heir to these expenses,” implying that the male child is the only one entitled to inherit or bear the financial responsibility for the mentioned expenses.
122. Idiom “Spick and Span” means?
A. Neat and Clean
B. Outspoken
C. Already Made thing
D. Garrulous
Correct Answer: A. Neat and Clean
Detail about MCQs
The Idiom “Spick and Span” means neat, clean, and orderly. When something is describe as “spick and span,” It suggests that it is in immaculate condition, with everything tidied up and well-organized. This expression is often used to describe the cleanliness or meticulous appearance of a place or an object.
123. Idiom “To leave no avenue unexplored” means?
A. To call in Question
B. To Roam About
C. To Try Every Source
D. To Depend on
Correct Answer: C. To Try Every Source
Detail about MCQs
This idiom suggests that one should exhaust all possible options or sources of information, solutions, or opportunities before making a decision or taking action. It emphasizes the importance of thorough exploration and investigation, leaving no potential avenue or resource untouched.
124. Let us wait ___ ?
A. A Little
B. The little
C. So Little
D. Little
Correct Answer: D. Little
Detail about MCQs
This option is the correct one. “Little” in this context means a short amount of time or a brief period. It suggests waiting for a small duration before taking action or making a decision. This option makes the most sense grammatically and contextually.
125. The Legend has been ___ from father to son:
A. Handed Over
B. Handed Down
C. Handed In
D. Only How
Correct Answer: B. Handed Down
Detail about MCQs
The legend has been handed down from father to son.
In this context, “handed down” is the correct phrase. It implies the passing of something, such as tradition , knowledge, or legend, from one generation to the next.
126. A young Chinese boy stole the show. (Choose the opposite meaning of underlined phrase)
A. Lagged Behind in a Race
B. Slipped During Performance
C. Gave a Poor Performance
D. Faced Problem
Correct Answer: C. Gave a Poor Performance
Detail about MCQs
“Stole the show” is an idiom used to describe a performance or presentation that was exceptionally impressive and captured the audience’s attention and admiration. The antonym in this context is “Gave a Poor Performance,” which means the opposite – the performance was not impressive and did not capture the audience’s attention in a positive way.
127. She cut a sorry figure in exams. (Choose the opposite meaning of Underlined phrase)
A. Appeared
B. Absent Herself
C. Reappeared
D. Got a Brilliant Success
Correct Answer: D. Got a Brilliant Success
Detail about MCQs
“Got a Brilliant Success” would be antonym for “ cut a sorry figure.” While “cut a sorry figure” suggests appearing unimpressive or pitiable, “got a brilliant success” indicates achieving something notable and successful, which is the opposite in terms of outcome and perception.
128. Somehow or other I must get a new job (Identify Underlined word)
A. Conjunction
B. Preposition
C. Interjection
D. Adverb
Correct Answer: D. Adverb
Detail about MCQs
The underlined word “Somehow” in the sentence is an adverb. It modifies the verb “must get” and indicates the manner or method in which the speaker feels they must obtain a new job. Adverbs often answer the question “how” in a sentence.
129. “A hot potato means”
A. To Appear Rarely
B. To Discuss Urgently
C. To Find fault with something that has been received as a gift or favor
D. A controversial issue or situation that is awkward or unpleased to deal with
Correct Answer: D. A controversial issue or situation that is awkward or unpleased to deal with
130. ___ cannot be choosers:
A. Borrowers
B. The Poor
C. The Destitute
D. Beggars
Correct Answer: D. Beggars
Detail about MCQs
The Phrase “Beggars cannot be choosers” is an idiom that conveys the idea that when someone is in a difficult or needy situation, they should not be overly selective or demanding about what they receive or offered. In a broader sense, this idiom is often used to convey the idea that those in need should be grateful for any help they receive, without being overly critical or demanding.
131. You cannot beard the lion ____:
A. In his Den
B. In his Cave
C. Within his Area
D. In his house
Correct Answer: A. In his Den
Detail about MCQs
The phrase “to beard the lion” is an idiom that means to confront or challenge someone , specially a powerful or influential person, in their own territory or domain. It suggests facing a challenge or confrontation on the other person’s home ground. In this context, “in his den” refers to the lion’s lair or dwelling place.
132. He is a bookworm. (Choose the opposite meaning of Underlined Phrase)
A. Bubilophile
B. Through Reader
C. Book Buyer
D. Casual Reader
Correct Answer: D. Casual Reader
Detail about MCQs
A bookworm is someone who avidly and frequently reads, while a casual reader reads less frequently or with less intensity. The other options (“Bibliophile,” “Thorough Reader,” and “Book Buyer”) do not precisely convey the opposite of a bookworm in terms of reading habits.
133. He is a dog in the manger among us.(Choose the opposite meaning of underlined phrase)
A. A Close-Fisted Man
B. A Person Who allows other people to enjoy what he or she uses or wants
C. A mean person
D. A Cunning and Selfish Person
Correct Answer: B. A Person who allows other people to enjoy what he or she uses or wants
134. They elected him captain ___ among themselves:
A. By
B. In
C. To
D. From
Correct Answer: A. By
Detail about MCQs
They elected him captain: This part of the sentence indicates the action of choosing or appointing someone as the captain.
From among themselves: The preposition “from” is used to specify the source or the pool of candidates from which the election or selection occurred. In this case, “from among themselves” implies that the person was chosen from the group of people who were present or involved in the process.
135. One of the bullets lodged ____ his chest:
A. In
B. Into
C. Across
D. On
Correct Answer: A. In
Detail about MCQs
The phrase “one of the bullets lodged in his chest” indicates that the bullet became stuck or embedded inside the person’s chest. The preposition “in” is used to describe the location where the bullet is lodged, indicating that it is inside the chest.
136. Qasim wakes up suddenly ___ the night.
A. On
B. In
C. At
D. Upon
Correct Answer: B. In
Detail about MCQs
This preposition is used to indicate a period of time within which an action occurs. In this case, “in the night” suggests that Qasim wakes up suddenly during the night. “At” is often used with specific times, like “at midnight” or “at 3 a.m.” “In the night” is generally more idiomatic when describing waking up suddenly during the nighttime hours without reference to a specific time.
137. He has done a great service ___ me.
A. For
B. By
C. To
D. From
Correct Answer: A. For
Detail about MCQs
In the sentence “He has done a great service for me,” the preposition “for” is used to indicate the beneficiary of the service.
138. You have enrolled ___ more than one class.
A. On
B. Into
C. For
D. At
Correct Answer: B. Into
Detail about MCQs
The sentence implies that the person being addressed has registered or joined more than one class. When indicating the action of joining or becoming a part of something, we use the preposition “into.” Therefore, the correct sentence would be: “You have enrolled into more than one class.”
139. Khalid forget to wish me ___ my birthday.
A. On
B. At
C. For
D. Upon
Correct Answer: A. On
Detail about MCQs
In the sentence “Khalid forgot to wish me on my birthday,” the preposition “On” is used to specify the point in time when Khalid neglected to extend birthday wishes. Here’s a breakdown:
Khalid forgot to wish me: This part of the sentence indicates the action of forgetting to convey birthday wishes.
On my birthday: The preposition “on” is used to pinpoint the specific time when the forgetting occurred. Which is the speaker’s birthday.
Sentence Structure
140. By the time I picked up the phone ____.
A. They had rang off
B. They had rung off
C. They will have rung off
D. They rang off
Correct Answer: B. They had rung off
Detail about MCQs
In the sentence “By the time I picked up the phone. They had rung off,” let’s break down the usage of the past perfect tense:
By the time I picked up the phone: This part of the sentence establishes a point in time. Indicating when the speaker picked up the phone
They had rung off: The past perfect tense “had rung off” is used to convey that the action of ringing of (ending the call) occurred before the time specified in the first part of the sentence. The past perfect tense is often used to express an action completed before another action in the past.
141. ____ I will explain how the equipment works.
A. If you wanted me to
B. If you will want me to
C. If you want me to
D. If you had wanted me to
Correct Answer: C. If you want me to
Detail about MCQs
The use of “if you want me to” indicates that the speaker is ready to explain how the equipment works if the listener expresses the desire or willingness for that explanation. It’s a polite and conditional way of offering assistance or information.
142. Someone is moving downstairs. We had better ___ the police.
A. Called
B. Call
C. Will Call
D. Calling
Detail about MCQs
In the sentence “Someone is moving downstairs”. We had better call the police,” let’s break down the usage of the verb “call”:
Someone is moving downstairs: This part of the sentence sets the scene, indicating a potentially suspicious or concerning situation.
We had better call the police: The phrase “had better” is used to suggest a course of action that is advisable or necessary. In this case, “call the police” is the recommended action. The verb “call” is used in the base form after “had better” to express the suggested action.
143. I’m never on time, ____.
A. Am I?
B. Ain’t I?
C. Am I ?
D. Aren’t I
Correct Answer: A. Am I?
Detail about MCQs
“I’m never on time. Am I”?
This is the correct option. When forming a question tag for a sentence with a positive statement, you typically use a negative question tag. In this case, the original statement is “I’m never on time,” which is positive. Therefore , the appropriate question tag is “am I?” to maintain the negative sense in the question
144. Choose the correct Spelling:
A. Welderness
B. Willdeness
C. Wilderness
D. Wildiness
Correct Answer: C. Wilderness
145. Choose the correct spelling:
A. Dialogue
B. Dialoge
C. Diolog
D. Dialogee
Correct Answer: A. Dialogue
146. Choose the Correct Spelling:
A. Hazardus
B. Hazardous
C. Haserdus
D. Hazarduce
Correct Answer: B. Hazardous
147. Choose the Correct Spelling:
A. Shakespear
B. Shakespeare
C. Shakspiear
D. Shakespeer
Correct Answer: B. Shakespeare
148. Choose the Correct Spelling:
A. Playwrite
B. Pleywright
C. Playwright
D. Playright
Correct Answer: C. Playwright
149. The tiger said “Ask ___ help from three things you see”
A. To
B. For
C. About
D. With
Correct Answer: A. To
Detail about MCQs
The sentence “ask for help from three things you see” is the correct usage. In this context the preposition “for” is appropriate because it indicates the purpose or target of the asking. The sentence suggests requesting assistance from three things. And “for” is the suitable preposition to convey this meaning.
150. The boy walked back ___ the tiger.
A. At
B. For
C. To
D. Against
Correct Answer: C. To
Detail about MCQs
The boy walked back: This part of the sentence describe the boy’s movement in returning.
To the tiger: The preposition “to” is used to indicates the direction or destination of the boy’s movement. In this context, It specifies that the boy walked back toward the tiger. So, the correct preposition is “to”, which conveys the intended meaning that the boy walked back toward the location of the tiger.
151. My sister loves to draw sketches as she good ___ drawing.
A. In
B. On
C. At
D. With
Correct Answer: C. At
Detail about MCQs
So, the complete sentence conveys that the sister enjoys drawing sketches, and the preposition “at” is used to express her proficiency or skill in this artistic activity.
152. The elephants were tied up ___ ropes.
A. In
B. With
C. Into
D. Around
Correct Answer: B. With
Detail about MCQs
So, the complete sentence conveys that the elephants were restrained or secured by using ropes. The preposition “with” clarifies the tool or material involved in the action.
153. An elephant ran ___ the forest and called the mice.
A. Through
B. Into
C. Across
D. Along
Correct Answer: A. Through
Detail about MCQs
So, the complete sentence conveys that the elephant moved through the forest. The preposition “through” emphasizes a path or direction of movement from one side of the forest to the other.
Sentence Structure
154. The mice bit through the ropes ___.
A. For setting the elephants free
B. And were set the elephants free
C. And set the elephants free
D. In free set the elephants
Correct Answer: C. And set the elephants free
Detail about MCQs
In the sentence “the mice bit through the ropes and set the elephants free,” the phrase “and set the elephants free” is a coordinated conjunction connecting two independent clauses. The mice’s action of biting through the ropes is followed by the result or consequence: the elephants being set free. The conjunction “and” is used to join these two actions in a compound sentence.
155. A good student is ___.
A. A one that is hard working, regular and punctual
B. A one which is working hard, regular and punctual
C. The one who is punctual, regular and hardworking
D. The only that is punctual, regular and hardworking
Correct Answer: C. The one who is punctual, regular and hardworking
Detail about MCQs
The correct phrase is “The one who is punctual, regular, and hardworking.” It effectively describes the qualities of a good student: being punctual, attending regularly, and working hard. The definite article “the” is used appropriately before “one” to specify a particular type of student with these attributes.
156. By the end of the week ___.
A. They had gives all hope up
B. They were given up all hope
C. They were to give up all hope
D. They had given up all hopes
Correct Answer: D. They had given up all hopes
Detail about MCQs
In the sentence “By the end of the week, they had given up all hopes,” the past perfect tense “had given up” indicates that the action of giving up hope occurred before the specified point in time (by the end of the week). The phrase “all hopes” emphasizes a complete abandonment of hope.
157. ___ is wearing his new uniform.
A. Each of the boys on the team
B. Every of the boys in the team
C. Only of the boys of the team
D. Every other from the boys
Correct Answer: A. Each of the boys on the team
Detail about MCQs
The correct phrase is “Each of the boys on the team.” It effectively conveys the idea that every individual boy on the team is wearing his new uniform. The use of “each” emphasizes the individuality of the boys, and the preposition “on” clarifies their association with the team.
158. Sandalwood ___, the more scent does it yield.
A. It is rubbed the more
B. The more it is rubbed
C. Rubbed it is the more
D. The rubbed more it is
Correct Answer: B. The more it is rubbed
Detail about MCQs
The correct phrase is “The more it is rubbed. The more scent does it yield.” This structure effectively conveys a cause-and-effect relationship, indicating that as sandalwood is rubbed more, It produces a greater amount of scent. The use of “the more” in both clauses emphasizes the correlation between the rubbing and the scent yield.
159. Choose the correct spelling:
A. Platefrom
B. Platform
C. Pletform
D. Platefarm
Correct Answer: B. Platform
160. Choose the correct spelling:
A. Trouble
B. Trubble
C. Truble
D. Troubble
Correct Answer: A. Trouble
161. Choose the correct spelling:
A. Frighined
B. Fritened
C. Frightened
D. Frightuned
Correct Answer: C. Frightened
162. Choose the correct spelling:
A. Chazed
B. Chaised
C. Chaized
D. Chased
Correct Answer: D. Chased
163. Choose the correct spelling:
A. Palace
B. Pelace
C. Palace
D. Palase
Correct Answer: A. Palace
164. We should take some steps ___ the regard.
A. About
B. In
C. To
D. For
Correct Answer: B. In
Detail about MCQs
The correct phrase is “We should take some steps in the regard.” The preposition “in” is used to specify the context or area related to the steps. In this context, “the regard” implies a specific matter or aspect to which the suggested actions pertain.
165. A clever girl ___ Mariam made such a mistake.
A. As
B. Like
C. To
D. For
Correct Answer: B. Like
Detail about MCQs
The correct choice is “Like.” In the sentence “A clever girl like Mariam made such a mistake,” the word “like” is used to make a comparison, indicating that the clever girl being referred to its similar to Mariam in making a mistake
166. I spoke ___ my foot.
A. For
B. Of
C. About
D. To
Correct Answer: B. Of
Detail about MCQs
“I spoke Of my foot” is grammatically correct and can be appropriate in certain contexts. This usage implies that you mentioned or discussed your foot in some manner.
167. He worked ___ a day fruit commission agent.
A. As
B. At
C. To
D. In
Correct Answer: A. As
Detail about MCQs
The correct preposition in the sentence is “as.” He worked as a day fruit commission agent” indicates that the person’s occupation or role was that of a day fruit commission agent.
168. He learnt ___ love and care ___ his mother.
A. Of, with
B. To, for
C. In, to
D. About, from
Correct Answer: D. About, From
Detail about MCQs
“He learnt about love and care from his mother” is the correct phrasing. This indicates that he gained knowledge or understanding regarding love and care, and the source of this learning was his mother.
169. The children are ___.
A. Really enjoying
B. Really enjoying themselves
C. Really enjoying there
D. Enjoying
Correct Answer: B. Really Enjoying themselves
Detail about MCQs
The correct phrase is “Really enjoying themselves.” It conveys that the children are actively and genuinely having a good time. The reflexive pronoun “themselves” emphasizes that the enjoyment is directed inward, indicating a state of self-enjoyment or self-amusement.
170. The old man ___.
A. Is looking tiring
B. Was looking tiring
C. Is looked very tired
D. Looks very tired
Correct Answer: D. Looks Very Tired
Detail about MCQs
The correct phrase is “Looks very tired.” This implies that the old man appears to be in a state of fatigue or weariness. The verb “looks” indicates his current condition.
171. I don’t know ___.
A. How to drive a car
B. A Car driving
C. To drive a car
D. Car drive
Correct Answer: A. How to drive a car
Detail about MCQs
The correct phrase is “I don’t know how to drive a car.” Let’s break it down: I don’t know: This indicates a lack of knowledge or understanding. How to drive a car: The phrase following “ I don’t know” provides information about the specific thing the speaker doesn’t know. In this case, it’s about the skill of driving a car. The structure “how to drive a car” suggests that the speaker lacks knowledge regarding the process or skill of driving a car.
172. Our teacher ___.
A. Won’t take the test today
B. Won’t give the test today
C. Is not taking the test today
D. Was not giving the test today
Correct Answer: C. Is not taking the test today
173. Choose the Correct Spelt word:
A. Amboolence
B. Ambulence
C. Ambulense
D. Ambulance
Correct Answer: D. Ambulance
174. Choose the correct spelt word:
A. Funneral
B. Funeral
C. Founeral
D. Funrell
Correct Answer: B. Funeral
175. Choose the correct spelt word:
A. Psychiatrists
B. Psychatrests
C. Psykiats
D. Psychatrits
Correct Answer: A. Psychiatrists
176. Choose the correct spelt word:
A. Dispansery
B. Dispensery
C. Dispensary
D. Despensory
Correct Answer: C. Dispensary
177. Choose the correct spelt word:
A. Waedding
B. Weding
C. Weddeng
D. Wedding
Correct Answer: D. Wedding
178. I beg pardon ___ you for being late.
A. With
B. Upon
C. Of
D. Off
Correct Answer: C. Of
Detail about MCQs
The correct preposition in the sentence is “of.” So, the complete sentence is “I beg pardon of you for being late.” This expression is a formal way of apologizing or seeking forgiveness for arriving late.
179. The boy was let ___ to consideration of his under age.
A. About
B. Off
C. With
D. Of
Correct Answer: B. Off
Detail about MCQs
The correct preposition in this context is “Off.” The corrected sentence is “The boy was let off to consideration of his underage.” It implies that the boy was excused or exempted, allowing him to be considered in the context of his underage status.
180. The Analogy of Drizzle Cloudburst:
A. Grass : Dew
B. Shore : Waves
C. Wind : Air
D. Flirty : Blizzard
Correct Answer: C. Wind : Air
Detail about MCQs
In this analogy, just as drizzle is a light form of rain (Cloudburst is an intense form of rain), wind is a light form of air (Blizzard is an intense form of wind).
181. The Analogy of Teacher : Ignorance:
A. Lightening: Electricity
B. Light: Darkness
C. Wallage: Bulb
D. Stream: Current
Correct Answer: B. Light : Darkness
182. The Analogy of Charity: Virtue:
A. Avarice: Vice
B. Greed: Evil
C. Avaricious: Vicious
D. Penury: Crave
Correct Answer: A. Avarice : Vice
183. The teacher gives many examples so ___ the idea contained in the poem?
A. Bring in
B. Bring forth
C. Bring about
D. Bring out
Correct Answer: D. Bring Out
184. I cannot make out what you say.
A. Rely Upon
B. Believe
C. Understand
D. Solve
Correct Answer: C. Understand
185. Never ___ upon the magazine.
A. Look Down
B. Look Through
C. Look Over
D. Look Into
Correct Answer: B. Look Through
186. The vice-president will be seated ___ the chairman at the banquet.
A. As
B. By
C. To
D. None of these
Correct Answer: A. As
187. A record of complaints ___ kept in the purser’s office.
A. Are
B. Were
C. Is
D. None of these
Correct Answer: C. Is
188. Giving is better than ___.
A. Receive
B. To Receive
C. Receiving
D. None of these
Correct Answer: C. Receiving
189. Either you or he ___ at fault.
A. Is
B. Are
C. Have
D. None of these
Correct Answer: A. Is
190. All cabin attendants must lock the cabin door ___ leaving the room.
A. Afterwards
B. Later than
C. After
D. None of these
Correct Answer: C. After
What is the underlined part of the Sentence
191. Several ducks had dark green heads.
A. Subject
B. Adjective
C. Conjunction
D. None of these
Correct Answer: B. Adjective
192. He sold his house to John.
A. Direct Object
B. Indirect Object
C. Helping Verb
D. None of these
Correct Answer: B. Indirect Object
193. Running fast they caught the last bus.
A. Noun Phrase
B. Adjective Phrase
C. Adverb Phrase
D. None of these
Correct Answer: B. Adjective Phrase
194. Swimming is my favorite recreation.
A. Participle
B. Complement
C. Gerund
D. None of these
Correct Answer: C. Gerund
195. The fabric felt soft.
A. Action Verb
B. Auxiliary Verb
C. Linking Verb
D. None of these
Correct Answer: C. Linking Verb
196. To talk one’s head off means?
A. To talk loudly
B. To talk in whispers
C. To talk to oneself
D. To talk Expressively
Correct Answer: A. To talk loudly
197. To keep one’s head means?
A. To be agile and active
B. To remain calm
C. To think coherently
D. None of these
Correct Answer: B. To Remain Calm
198. Find out the correct passive voice of sentence “He read a book”
A. A book was by read him
B. A book was by him read
C. A book was read by him
D. None of these
Correct Answer: A. A book was read him
199. Find out the correct passive voice sentence “ You had played the cricket”
A. Cricket has been played by you
B. Cricket had been played by you
C. Cricket have been played by you
D. None of these
Correct Answer: B Cricket had been played by you
200. Find out the correct Indirect tense: “He says, I am going to Lahore”
A. He asked to me that he was going to Lahore
B. He says that he was going to Lahore
C. He says that he will be going to Lahore
D. He says that he is going to Lahore
Correct Answer: D. He says that he is going to lahore
201. The Government must ____ the suffering of the people.
A. Allay
B. Ally
C. Rid
D. Palliate
Correct Answer: D. Palliate
202. Urge People who smoke to ___ the habit.
A. Surrender
B. Abandon
C. Dewitt
D. None of these
Correct Answer: B. Abandon
203. The grapes are now ___ enough to be picked
A. Ready
B. Ripe
C. Advanced
D. None of these
Correct Answer: B. Ripe
204. Wheat ___ carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins and dietary fiber in our daily diet.
A. Has
B. Gives
C. Yields
D. Provide
Correct Answer: C. Yields
205. Which word is spelled correctly
A. Eflorescne
B. Efflorescence
C. Efflorescene
D. Efflorascene
Correct Answer: B. Efflorescence
206. Choose the correct spelling from the following?
A. Quintessance
B. Quintessence
C. Quintesance
D. Quintassence
Correct Answer: B. Quintessence
207. Choose the incorrect spelling from the following?
A. Carpenter
B. Chauffer
C. Calibre
D. Coalesce
Correct Answer: C. Calibre
208. Choose the Correct Sentence:
A. I am sick by your lies
B. I am sick from your lies
C. I am sick of your lies
D. I am sick to your lies
Correct Answer: C. I am sick of your lies
209. Choose the correct Sentence:
A. He was excited for inherit of his father
B. He was excited to inherit his father
C. He was excited on inheritance of his father
D. He was excited with inheritance of his father
Correct Answer: B. He was excited to inherit his father
210. “One who looks on the dark side of things” (one word substitution)
A. Inaudible
B. Obsolete
C. Pessimist
D. None of these
Correct Answer: C. Pessimist
211. “One who speaks less” means?
A. Omniscient
B. Reticent
C. Centenarian
D. Theist
Correct Answer: B. Reticent
212. “To keep one’s temper” means?
A. To become hungry
B. To be in good mood
C. To preserve ones energy
D. To be aloof from
Correct Answer: B. To be in good mood
213. A person who thinks whole world is his home is called?
A. Contemporary
B. Cosmopolitan
C. Cosmetic
D. None of these
Correct Answer: B. Cosmopolitan
214. The phrase “To have your hands full” expresses mean?
A. To be a sinner
B. To have too many things to do
C. To have plenty of wealth
D. Something related to fighting
Correct Answer: B. To have too many things to do
215. Upon the inquiry I found out that I had ___ the car:
A. Mistake
B. Mistook
C. Mistaken
D. Mistakes
Correct Answer: C. Mistaken
216. We must draw back from the abyss of war (identify the underlined word)
A. Noun
B. Verb
C. Adverb
D. Adjective
Correct Answer: A. Noun
217. Ali must have the ___ to stick to his diet, if he wants to lose weight.
A. Obstinacy
B. Determination
C. Decision
D. Obligation
Correct Answer: B. Determination
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