In May 2024, which day declared as World Football Day by the UNGA?

A. May 12
B. 25 May
C. 5 June
D. 20 August


Correct Answer: B. 25 May

Detail about MCQs

The 193 member United Nations General Assembly has passed a resolution on 7 May 2024 to observe 25 May, every year as World Football Day . The resolution was adopted by consensus by the members of the United Nations General Assembly. The resolution to mark 25th May of every year as World Football Day was introduced by Libya’s ambassador to the United Nations Taher El-Sonni. It was co-sponsored by more than 160 members of the United Nations. Introducing the resolution the Libyan ambassador said football or soccer is played across the globe in towns,cities and villages. It is the most popular sport on earth.

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