In January 2025, What disease did Niger eliminate as per the WHO announcement?

A. Malaria
B. Tuberculosis
C. Onchocerciasis
D. Ebola


Correct Answer: C. Onchocerciasis

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Onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness, is a disease caused by infection with the parasitic worm Onchocerca volvulus. Symptoms include severe itching, bumps under the skin, and blindness. It is the second-most common cause of blindness due to infection, after trachoma. Other names: River blindness, Robles disease

Which country became the first in the African region to officially eliminate onchocerciasis?

A. Nigeria
B. Ghana
C. Niger
D. Kenya


Correct Answer: C. Niger

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On January 30, 2025, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that Niger has become the first country in the African region to officially eliminate onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness, as a public health threat.

Cricket : Player::

A. Painting : Artist
B. Sketch : Drawing
C. Map : book
D. Colors : Crayons


Correct Answer: A. Painting : Artist

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The correct answer is A. Painting : Artist.
The analogy “Cricket : Player” shows that a player is someone who participates in the sport of cricket. Similarly, an artist is someone who creates paintings. Both pairs establish a relationship where the second word is a person involved in the activity or field described by the first word.

I’ll have my assistant ____ for an appointment.

A. Called
B. Calling
C. Will call
D. Call


Correct Answer: D. Call

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The correct answer is D. Call.
So the sentence would read: “I’ll have my assistant call for an appointment.”
This construction is an example of the causative form “have + object + base verb,” which is used to indicate that someone is arranging for something to be done. In this case, the assistant is being asked to make a call.

It is ___ to call than to write.

A. Quickest
B. Quickly as
C. Quicker
D. Quicker than


Correct Answer: C. Quicker

Detail about Mcqs

The correct answer is C. Quicker.
The sentence should read:
“It is quicker to call than to write.”
Quicker is the comparative form of “quick,” which is used when comparing two things (in this case, calling and writing).
The structure of the sentence is making a comparison between calling and writing, so we use the comparative form “quicker” without the need for “than” after “quicker.”

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