The sum of five numbers is 655. The average of the first two numbers is 85 and the third number is 125. Find the average of the two numbers?

A. 180
B. 170
C. 190
D. 175


Correct Answer: A. 180

Detail About MCQs

Let the five numbers be P, Q, R, S and T.

=> P + Q + R + S + T = 655.
(P + Q)/2 = 85 and R = 125
P + Q = 170 and R = 125
P + Q + R = 295
S + T = 655 – (P + Q + R) = 360
Average of the last two numbers = (S + T)/2 = 180

The average age of a group of 10 persons was decreased by 3 years when one person, whose age was 42 years, was replaced by a new person. Find the age of the new person?

A. 22
B. 24
C. 12
D. 8


Correct Answer: C. 12

Detail About MCQs

The initial average age of the 10 persons is P.
Age of the new person Q.
Sum of the ages of the initial 10 persons = 10P
New average = (P-3) 10(P-3) = 10P – 42 + Q => Q = 12

The average of the marks of 12 students in a class is 36. If the marks of each student are doubled, find the new average?

A. 72
B. 45
C. 37
D. 79


Correct Answer: A. 72

Detail About MCQs

Sum of the marks for the 12 students = 12 * 36 = 432. The marks of each student are doubled, the sum also will be doubled.
The new sum = 432 * 2 = 864. So, the new average = 864/12 = 72

The average marks of a class of 30 students is 40 and that of another class of 50 students is 60. Find the average marks of all the students?

A. 50
B. 47.5
C. 59
D. 52.5


Correct Answer: D. 52.5

Detail About MCQs

Sum of the marks for the class of 30 students = 30 * 40 = 1200
Sum of the marks for the class of 50 students = 50 * 60 = 3000
Sum of the marks for the class of 80 students =
1200 + 3000 = 4200
Average marks of all the students = 4200/80 = 52.5

A batsman makes a score of 64 runs in the 16th innings and thus increased his average by 3. Find his average after the 16th inning?

A. 17
B. 18
C. 19
D. 22


Correct Answer: C. 19

Detail About MCQs

Let the average after the 16th inning be P.
So, the average after the 15th inning will be (P-3) Hence, 15(P-30) + 64 = 16P => P = 19

The average of 13 numbers is 60. Average of the first 7 of them is 57 and that of the last 7 is 61. Find the 8th number?

A. 46
B. 32
C. 68
D. 51


Correct Answer: A. 46

Detail About MCQs

Sum of all the 13 numbers = 13 * 60 = 780
Sum of the first 7 of them = 7 * 57 = 399
Sum of the last 7 of them = 7 * 61 = 427
So, the 8th number = 427 + 399 – 780 = 46