Which animal embryos grown in space for first time?

A. Mouse
B. Rabbit
C. Cat
D. Dog


Correct Answer: A. Mouse

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Mouse embryos have been grown on the International Space Station and developed normally in the first study indicating it could be possible for humans to reproduce in space, a group of Japanese scientists said. The researchers, including Teruhiko Wakayama, professor of University of Yamanashi`s Advanced Biotechnology Centre, and a team from the Japan Aerospace Space Agency (JAXA), sent frozen mouse embryos on board a rocket to the ISS in August 2021.

When UN General Assembly adopted a resolution hat calls for an `immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce` in Gaza?

A. 21 October 2023
B. 23 October 2023
C. 25 October 2023
D. 27 October 2023


Correct Answer: D. 27 October 2023

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The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on 27 October 2023 that calls for an `immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce` in Gaza by 120 to 14 votes, with 45 abstentions. The United States was among the 14 countries that opposed the resolution. Canada, however, proposed an amendment condemning Hamas for the Oct 7 attacks, but failed to get the required two-thirds of the present votes.

In October 2023, which country launches new mission to space station?

A. Russia
B. China
D. Japan


Correct Answer: B. China

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China sent a fresh crew to its Tiangong space station on 26 October 2023, in the latest mission for a growing space programme that plans to send people to the Moon by 2030. The Shenzhou-17 blasted off from the Jiuquan launch site in northwest China at 11:14am, carrying a three-astronaut team with the youngest average age since the space station`s construction

When the International Stuttering Day-2023 observed?

A. 18 October
B. 19 October
C. 21 October
D. 22 October


Correct Answer: D. 22 October

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October 22 is designated as International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD) or International Stammering Awareness Day, dedicated to raising awareness about the speech disorder characterized by disruptions in fluency known as stuttering or stammering. Stuttering manifests through involuntary word repetition and temporary challenges in producing sounds or words, among other symptoms.

Which of the following country becomes the first nation to launched an Electromagnetic Railgun from an offshore vessel?

A. China
B. Japan
C. India
D. United States


Correct Answer: B. Japan

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Japan Becomes 1st Country Ever To Fire Electromagnetic Railgun From An Offshore Vessel on 17 October 2023. For the test, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) collaborated with the Acquisition Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA), a Japanese Ministry of Defense division. There is still little specific information regarding what this included and when it was conducted.

When the World Statistics Day 2023 observed?

A. 18 October
B. 20 October
C. 22 October
D. 24 October


Correct Answer: B. 20 October

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World Statistics Day 2023 celebrated on October 20! This day was created by the United Nations to recognize the importance of collecting, analyzing, and disseminating data. Since its inception in 2010, this special day has become an annual event celebrated around the world with various activities that promote better understanding and use of statistics.

According to the Pentagon report 2023, which country is on track to have over 1,000 nuclear warheads by 2030?

A. Russia
B. China
C. India
D. Japan


Correct Answer: B. China

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China will have over 1,000 nuclear weapons by 2030. The report said China was likely to have more than 500 operational nuclear warheads, with the number expected to exceed 1,000 by 2030, adding it has been expanding its quantity of “land-, sea-, and air-based nuclear delivery platforms” in the past decade by investing in infrastructure to support its nuclear forces.

When the 8th BRICS International Competition Conference held?

A. 8 October 2023
B. 10 October 2023
C. 11 October 2023
D. 14 October 2023


Correct Answer: C. 11 October 2023

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On October 11, the 8th BRICS International Competition Conference organized by the Competition Commission of India (CCI) with the support of the competition authorities of all BRICS member countries opened in New Delhi, India. The theme of this year’s conference: “New Issues in Competition Law and Policy • Dimensions • Perspective • Challenges.”

Which country hosted the 8th BRICS International Competition Conference 2023?

A. Brazil
B. India
C. China
D. South Africa


Correct Answer: B. India

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The 8th BRICS International Competition Conference organized by the Competition Commission of India (CCI) with the support of the competition authorities of all BRICS member countries opened in New Delhi, India. The theme of this year’s conference: “New Issues in Competition Law and Policy • Dimensions • Perspective • Challenges.”

The 9th Group20 Parliamentary Speaker’s Summit (P20) took place from___?

A. 10 to 11 October
B. 13 to 14 October
C. 15 to 16 October
D. 18 to 19 October


Correct Answer: B. 13 to 14 October

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The Ninth P20 Summit will be hosted by Parliament of India in cooperation with IPU on 13-14 October 2023 in New Delhi. The Summit will host four high-level sessions on Accelerating SDGs; Sustainable Energy Transition; Women led Development; and Transformation in Peoples’ Lives through Public Digital Platforms. A Parliamentary Forum will also be organized on ‘LiFE’ (Lifestyle for Environment) as a pre-Summit event to promote adoption of sustainable lifestyles and sustainable patterns of production and consumption.

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