‘Chotiari Reservoir’ is situated in which province?
B. Punjab
C. Sindh
D. Balochistan
Correct Answer: C. Sindh
B. Punjab
C. Sindh
D. Balochistan
Correct Answer: C. Sindh
A. Greatness
B. Army
C. Policemen
D. Peace
Correct Answer: B. Army
A. Multan
B. Okara
C. Lahore
D. Sahiwal
Correct Answer: D. Sahiwal
A. 444
B. 555
C. 666
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B. 555
A. Lahore
B. Okara
C. Hyderabad
D. Sialkot
Correct Answer: C. Hyderabad
A. Gwadar
B. Karachi
C. Thatta
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B. Karachi
A. River Hub
B. River Indus
C. Nara River
D. None of the Above
Correct Answer: B. River Indus
A. Nangarhar
B. Nooristan
C. Badakhshan
D. Khost
Correct Answer: D. Khost
A. Gilgit Baltistan
B. Chitral
C. Upper Dir
D. None of these
Correct Answer: B. Chitral
B. Sindh
C. Punjab
D. Balochistan
Correct Answer: A. KPK