Note: Computer Solved Past Papers MCQs Set-2 comprises 100 important Computer MCQs. These MCQs are taken from different Past Papers and helpful for different Computer related posts like Stenotypist, Computer Operator, etc.


1. DMA stands for____.

A. Direct Module Access
B. Adapter Protocol Interface
C. Application Programming Interface
D. Accelerate Programming Interface


Correct Answer: B. Application Programming Interface


2. Which of the following is the largest Storage?

A. Megabyte
B. Kilobyte
C. Petabyte
D. Gigabyte


Correct Answer: C. Petabyte 


3. Printer is an _____.

A. Input Device
B. Software
C. Output device
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Output Device 


4. SATA stands for ____.

A. Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
B. Student Athletic Training Association
C. Student Air Travel Association
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Serial Advanced Technology Attachment 


5. Compilers and Interpreters are themselves:

A. High-level Language
B. Codes
C. Programs
D. Mnemonics


Correct Answer: C. Programs 


6. Which is another name for functional language?

A. Machine
B. Application Language
C. Low-level language
D. High-level language


Correct Answer: B. Application language 


7. HDD stands for ______.

A. High-Density Disk
B. Heavy Duty Diesel
C. Heating Degree Days
D. Hard Disk Drive


Correct Answer: D. Hard Disk Drive 


8. Programs designed to perform a specific task is known as:

A. Application Software
B. System Software
C. Utility Programs
D. Operating System


Correct Answer: A. Application Software 


9. Which of the following is the Machine independence program?

A. High-Level language
B. Low-Level Language
C. Assembly Language
D. Operating System


Correct Answer: A. High-Level Language 


10. PDA stands for ____.

A. People’s Digital Assistant
B. Personal Digital Assistant
C. Personal Data Assistant
D. People’s Data Assistant


Correct Answer: B. Personal Digital Assistant 


11. _____computers are also called personal computers.

A. Super Computer
B. Mini Computer
C. Micro Computer
D. Mainframe Computer


Correct Answer: C. Micro Computer 


12. When was the first Electro-Mechanic computer developed?

A. 1880
B. 1944
C. 1960
D. 1980


Correct Answer: B. 1944 


13. FDD stands for _____.

A. Flight Dynamic Division
B. Floppy Disk Drive
C. Frequency Division Development
D. Future Driven Development


Correct Answer: B. Floppy Disk Drive 


14. The Arranging of data in a logical sequence is called:

A. Classifying
B. Sorting
C. Summarizing
D. Reproducing


Correct Answer: B. Sorting


15. BCD stands for ____.

A. Bit Coded Decimal
B. Binary Coded Digital
C. Bit Coded Digit
D. Binary Coded Decimal


Correct Answer: D. Binary Coded Decimal 


16. RJ45 UTP cable has ____ cables.

A. 2 Pair
B. 4 Pair
C. 6 Pair
D. 8 Pair


Correct Answer: B. 4 Pair 


17. Word length of a personal computer is:

A. 8 bits
B. 4 bits
C. 16 bits
D. 64 bits


Correct Answer: A. 8 bits 


18. Shortcut key to double underline the selected text is:

A. Ctrl + Alt + F
B. Ctrl + Shift + E
C. Alt + shift + D
D. Ctrl + Shift + D


Correct Answer: D. Ctrl + Shift + D 


19. NIC stands for:

A. Network Interface Card
B. Network Identity Card
C. Network Internet Card
D. Network Information Center


Correct Answer: A. Network Interface Card 


20. LED stands for:

A. Light Emission Digit
B. Light Emitting Diode
C. Light Emission Depot
D. Light Emission Direct


Correct Answer: B. Light Emitting Diode 


21. Which generation of Computers is still under development?

A. Fourth Generation
B. Fifth Generation
C. Sixth Generation
D. Seventh Generation


Correct Answer: B. Fifth Generation 


22. What is an interpreter?

A. An interpreter does the conversion line by line as the program is run
B. An interpreter is the representation of the system being designed
C. An interpreter is a general-purpose language providing very efficient execution
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. An interpreter does the conversion line by line as the program is run 


23. Shortcut key to quit Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Access, Excel etc is:

A. Alt + F4
B. Ctrl + F4
C. Alt + W
D. Shift + F4


Correct Answer: Alt + F4 


24. Abacus was the first:

A. Electronic Computer
B. Mechanical Computer
C. Electronic Calculator
D. Mechanical Computer


Correct Answer: D. Mechanical Computer 


25. ASP stands for:

A. Active Start pages
B. Action Start Pages
C. Active Server Pages
D. Active Standalone Pages


Correct Answer: C. Active Server Pages


26. Which file format can be added to a PowerPoint show?

A. .jpg
B. .giv
C. .wav
D. All of these


Correct Answer: D. All of these 


27. Who is the father of the Personal Computer?

A. Edward Robert
B. Allen Turing
C. Charles Babbage
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Edward Robert 


28. GPS stands for:

A. Grade Positioning System
B. Global Post System
C. Guarantee Positioning
D. Global Positioning System


Correct Answer: D. Global Positioning System 


29. Physical Structure of a computer is called:

A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Human Ware
D. All of these


Correct Answer: B. Hardware 


30. The effect applied to display when slides changes in slide show view are:

A. Custom Animation
B. Slide Animation
C. Slide Transition
D. Custom Transition


Correct Answer: C. Slide Transition


31. The First web browser is:

A. Mosaic
B. Netscape
C. Internet Explorer
D. Collabra


Correct Answer: A. Mosaic 


32. How to start a slide show of presentation?

A. Hit F5 Key
B. From the slide show menu choose the view show option
C. From the slide show menu choose Rehearse timing
D. Both A & B


Correct Answer: D. Both A & B 


33. Which of the following is\are Operating system?

A. Windows
B. Unix
C. OS\2
D. All of these


Correct Answer: D. All of these 


34. USB stands for:

A. Uniform Serial Bus
B. Uniform System Bus
C. Universal Serial Bus
D. Universal System Bus


Correct Answer: C. Universal Serial Bus 


35. Is system software to facilitate editing of text and data?

A. MS Word
B. Editors
C. PowerPoint
D. MS Publisher


Correct Answer: B. Editors 


36. A fixed territory in which authority can be exercised is:

A. Juristic
B. Jurisdiction
C. Jurisprudence
D. Juristic


Correct Answer: B. Jurisdiction 


37. To insert a hyperlink in a slide?

A. Choose insert >> Hyperlink
B. Press Ctrl + K
C. Both A & B
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Both A & B 


38. Pressing the F8 key three times selects?

A. A Paragraph
B. A Sentence
C. A Whole Page
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. A Sentence 


39. Which file is responsible to start MS word?

A. Win.exe
B. Word.exe
C. Winword.exe
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Winword.exe 


40. VSL stands for:

A. Very Large Scale Immunisation
B. Very Large Scale Integration
C. Very Large Scale Industry
D. Very Low Scale Immunisation


Correct Answer: B. Very Large Scale Integration 


41. The PowerPoint view that displays only text (title and bullets) is:

A. Slide Show
B. Slide Sorter view
C. Notes page view
D. Outline view


Correct Answer: D. Outline view 


42. Collection of characters, numbers, and symbols is:

A. Keywords
B. Monitor
C. Ram
D. Data


Correct Answer: D. Data 


43. ANSI stands for:

A. Asian Narcotics Standards Institute
B. American National Standards Institute
C. Asian National Standards Institute
D. American Narcotics Standards Institute


Correct Answer: B. American National Standards Institute 


44. How to remove all character formats in MS word?

A. Shift + Spacebar
B. Shift + Enter
C. Ctrl + Spacebar
D. Ctrl + Enter


Correct Answer: C. Ctrl + Spacebar 


45. How many ways you can save a document?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6


Correct Answer: A. 3 


46. What is the smallest width of a column in MS word?

A. 0”
B. 0.5”
C. 1”
D. 1.5”


Correct Answer: B. 0.5” 


47. WhatsApp was found in 2009 by:

A. Brian Action
B. Jan Koum
C. Mark Zuckerberg
D. Both A & B


Correct Answer: D. Both A & B 


48. How many columns can you insert in a word document in maximum?

A. 56
B. 34
C. 45
D. 60


Correct Answer: C. 45 


49. In MS Word what is the maximum scale percentage available in the Scale drop-down box?

A. 400
B. 100
C. 300
D. 200


Correct Answer: D. 200 


50. Shortcut key to split a table is:

A. Ctrl + Shift + Enter
B. Alt + Shift + Enter
C. Alt + Space
D. Shift + Tab + ctrl


Correct Answer: A. Ctrl + Shift + Enter


51. COBOL stands for:

A. Common Book Oriented Language
B. Common Basic Oriented Language
C. Common Boot Oriented language
D. Common Business Oriented Language


Correct Answer: D. Common Business Oriented Language 


52. CD stands for:

A. Composite Disk
B. Company Disk
C. Compact Disk
D. Criteria Disk


Correct Answer: C. Compact Disk 


53. You can detect spelling and grammar errors by?

A. Press Shift + F7
B. Alt + F7
C. Press F7
D. Press F9


Correct Answer: C. Press F7 


54. KB stands for:

A. Kernel Byte
B. KiloByte
C. Kit Bit
D. Key Block


Correct Answer: B. Kilo Byte 


55. FTP stands for:

A. Fix Transfer Protocol
B. File Transfer Procedure
C. File Transfer Protocol
D. First Transfer protocol


Correct Answer: C. File Transfer Protocol 


56. BMP stands for:

A. Byte map
B. Bit map
C. Byte map process
D. Bit map process


Correct Answer: B. Bitmap 


57. FORTRAN Stands for:

A. Formula Transistor
B. Formula Translation
C. Disc Video Interface
D. Disc Video Internet


Correct Answer: B. Formula Translation


58. DVI stands for:

A. Digital Video Internet
B. Digital Video Interface
C. Disc Video Interface
D. Disc Video Internet


Correct Answer: B. Digital Video Interface 


59. RTF stands for:

A. Right Text Format
B. Read Text Format
C. Rich Text Format
D. Royal Text Format


Correct Answer: C. Rich Text Format 


60. LCD stands for:

A. Liquid Crystal Display
B. Liquid Clear Display
C. Light Crystal Display
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Liquid Crystal Display 


61. AGP stands for:

A. Accelerated Group part
B. Advanced Graphics Port
C. Accelerated Graphics Port
D. Advanced Group Part


Correct Answer: C. Accelerated Graphics Port 


62. ADF stands for:

A. All Disc Feeder
B. Automatic Document Feeder
C. Automatic Document Finder
D. Automatic Disc Finders


Correct Answer: C. Automatic Document Finder 


63. SWF stands for:

A. Shut Wave Flash
B. Shock Wave Player
C. Shock Wave Flash
D. Shut Wave Flash


Correct Answer: C. Shock Wave Flash 


64. PHP stands for:

A. Processor Hypertext Program
B. Hypertext Preprocessor
C. Pre hypertext Processor
D. Pre Processor Hypertext


Correct Answer: B. Hypertext Preprocessor 


65. CRT stands for:

A. Crystal Ray Tube
B. Cathode Ray Tube
C. Cabin Ray Tube
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Cathode Ray Tube 


66. What is the full form of PDF?

A. Printed Document Format
B. Portable Document Format
C. Published Document Format
D. Public Document Format


Correct Answer: B. Portable Document Format 


67. What is the full form MAC?

A. Mass Access Control
B. Mass Access Coverage
C. Media Access Control
D. Media Access Carriage


Correct Answer: C. Media Access Control 


68. What is the full form Of IP?

A. Information Printed
B. Intranet Protocol
C. Internet Process
D. Internet Protocol


Correct Answer: D. Internet Protocol 


69. ASCII Stands for?

A. American Standard Code for linked Information
B. American Standard Code for information Inked
C. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. American Standard Code for Information Interchange 


70. ISDN stands for:

A. New Operating System
B. Network Operating System
C. Network Operating Source
D. Network Original System


Correct Answer: B. Network Operating System 


71. What is the full form of TCP?

A. Transmission Centric Protocol
B. Transfer Control Protocol
C. Transmission Control Protocol
D. Transmission Control Process


Correct Answer: C. Transmission Control Protocol 


72. HTML stands for:

A. Hyper Text Magic Line
B. Hyper Text Modem Line
C. HyperText Markup Language
D. Hyper Text Modern Language


Correct Answer: C. Hyper Text Markup Language 


73. Computer Stands for:

A. Competent Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Education and Research
B. Commonly Operated Machine Particularly used for Technical Educational and Research
C. Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Trade Educational and Research
D. Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Electron and Research


Correct Answer: B. Commonly Operated Machine particularly used for Technical Educational and Research 


74. What is the full form of MODEM?

A. Modulator and Demodulator
B. Modulation and Demodulation
C. Modulator and Electronic Demodulation
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Modulator and Demodulator 


75. A combination of 4 bit is called:

A. Byte
B. Nibble
C. Megabyte
D. Kilobyte


Correct Answer: B. Nibble 


76. In Excel which key is used to select the entire row?

A. Ctrl + Space
B. Shift + Space
C. Alt + Space
D. Tab + Space


Correct Answer: B. Shift + Space 


77. In Excel which is key is used to select the entire column?

A. Ctrl + Space
B. Alt + Space
C. Shift + Space
D. Tab + Space


Correct Answer: A. Ctrl + Space 


78. Which key is used to enter the current Date in Excel?

A. Ctrl + ;
B. Ctrl + :
C. Ctrl + Shift + ;
D. Ctrl + Alt :


Correct Answer: A. Ctrl +; 


79. How many menus have a calculator in the windows?

A. Six
B. Three
C. Four
D. Eight


Correct Answer: B. Three 


80. WINDOWS stands for:

A. Wide Interactive Network Development for Office Work Solution
B. World Interactive Network Development for Office work Solution
C. Wide Internet Network Development for Office Work Solution
D. Wide Interact Network Development for Office Work Solution


Correct Answer: A. Wide Interactive Network Development for Office Work Solution 


81. What is the full form of IMEI?

A. International Mobile Equipment Information
B. International Mobile Equipment Identity
C. International Mobile Educational identity
D. International Machine Equipment identity


Correct Answer: B. International Mobile Equipment Identity 


82. Which of the following key is used to edit the selected cell in Excel?

A. F4
B. F12
C. F2
D. F10


Correct Answer: C. F2 


83. The Hardware parts of a computer are:

A. Firmware Components
B. Physical Components
C. Logical Components
D. All of these


Correct Answer: B. Physically Components 


84. Which of the following basic actions is performed with help of a mouse in the word’s environment?

A. Double Click
B. Drag and point
C. Single Click
D. All of these


Correct Answer: D. All of these 


85. In Excel which key is used to open the format cells window?

A. Ctrl + 1
B. Ctrl + 6
C. Ctrl + F1
D. Ctrl + 3


Correct Answer: A. Ctrl + 1 


86. Which key is used to create a chart from selected data in excel?

A. F11
B. F1
C. F10
D. F7


Correct Answer: A. F11 


87. Which key is used for find in excel?

A. Ctrl + C
B. Ctrl + F
C. Alt + Shift + D
D. Alt + Shift + F


Correct Answer: B. Ctrl + F 


88. What is the full form of YAHOO?

A. Yet another Hierarchical Officio Oracular
B. Yahoo another Hierarchical Officious Oracle
C. Yet another hierarchical officious Oracle
D. Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle



89. PSTN stands for:

A. Process Switched Telephone Network
B. Public Switched True Network
C. Public Serial Telephone network
D. Public Switched Telephone Network


Correct Answer: D. Public Switched Telephone network 


90. Microsoft word, ctrl+1 are used for which of the following?

A. Single Line Space
B. Double line Space
C. To set 1.5 spacing
D. To set 2.5 spacing


Correct Answer: A. Single Line Space 


91. Which of the following color graphics display has the highest resolution?



Correct Answer: B. VGA 


92. Which of the following contains the control panel program in the start menu?

A. Program
B. Help
C. Run
D. Settings


Correct Answer: D. Settings 


93. Which of the following shortcut key is used to close the program?

A. Ctrl + F3
B. F4
C. Shift + F4
D. Alt + F4


Correct Answer: D. Alt + F4 


94. What is the full form of URL?

A. Uniform Retention Location
B. Uniform Resource Locator
C. Universal Resource Locator
D. Uniform Retention Locator


Correct Answer: C. Universal Resource Locator 


95. JPEG stands for:

A. Joint Photo Electronic Group
B. Joint Photographic Experts Group
C. Joint Picture Electronic Group
D. Joint Picture Expert Group


Correct Answer: B. Joint Photographic Experts Group 


96. Which key is used to insert a new worksheet in Excel?

A. Alt + F2
B. Alt + F1
C. Alt + Shift + F1
D. Alt + Shift + F2


Correct Answer: C. Alt + Shift + F1 


97. Dot-matrix is a type of:

A. Printer
B. Disk
C. Tape
D. Bus


Correct Answer: A. Printer 


98. FM stands for:

A. Frequent Modulation
B. Frequency Modulation
C. Frequency Method
D. Frequency Molecules


Correct Answer: B. Frequency Modulation 


99. Which shortcut key is used to fill down?

A. Ctrl + D
B. Ctrl + T
C. Alt + D
D. Alt + F


Correct Answer: A. Ctrl +D 


100. CPU is an example of:

A. Software
B. An output device
C. Hardware
D. A program


Correct Answer: C. Hardware 


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