Note: FPSC Housing Authority Past Papers MCQs contains 65+ MCQs for the post of Deputy Assistant Director, Assistant, Cashier, Sub Engineer, Data Entry Operator, Stenotypist, UDC, Gardawar, Senior Surveyor, LDC etc.


1. When for the rehabilitation of refugees emergency was declared for the first time in the history of Pakistan?

A. August 27, 1948
B. July 25, 1948
C. July 26, 1948
D. July 29, 1948


Correct Answer: A. August 27, 1948


2. The Biggest hockey stadium of Pakistan is located in?

A. Lahore
B. Quetta
C. Karachi
D. Islamabad


Correct Answer: A. Lahore (National Hockey Stadium)


3. Switzerland of Pakistan is?

A. Murree
B. Ziarat
C. Swat
D. Gilgit


Correct Answer: C. Swat


4. The Central Muhammadan Association was founded in 1877 by:

A. Chaudhry Rehmat Ali
B. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
C. Mohsin-ul-Mulk
D. Syed Ameer Ali


Correct Answer: D. Syed Ameer Ali


5. The Constitution of the all India Muslim League was drafted by a committee in 1907 headed by:

A. Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk
B. Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk
C. Mulana Muhammad Ali Jauher
D. Justice Shah Din


Correct Answer: C. Mulana Muhammad Ali Jauher


6. What is the capital of Canada?

A. Ottawa
B. Quebee
C. Montreal
D. Stock Home


Correct Answer: A. Ottawa


7. Ozone layer is depleting:

A. Water Pollution
B. Soil Pollution
C. Noise Pollution
D. Air Pollution


Correct Answer: D. Air Pollution


8. Rice is an important product of which region?

A. Rain Forest Region
B. Desert Region
C. Monsoon Region
D. Tundra Region


Correct Answer: D. Monsoon Region


9. Which country is largest Wood producer in the world?

A. Australia
B. China
C. America
D. Peru


Correct Answer: B. China


10. Name of the most populated city of the world?

A. Tokyo
B. Mexico
C. Wenchuan
D. Jakarta


Correct Answer: A. Tokyo


11. Mushroom rock is formed by:

A. River
B. Wind
C. Glacier
D. Sea-waves


Correct Answer: B. Wind Erosion


12. Indian Intelligence Agency RAW stands for?

A. Research and Army Wing
B. Regular Army Wing
C. Research and Analysis Wing
D. Regional Analysis Wing


Correct Answer: C. Research and Analysis Wing


13. Which is the oldest and biggest agriculture university in Pakistan?

A. Agricultural University Rawalpindi
B. Agricultural University Faisalabad
C. Sindh Agricultural University
D. Agricultural University Peshawar


Correct Answer: B. Agricultural University Faisalabad


14. Bonded labor is:

A. Forced Labor
B. Labor without wages
C. Labor for Payment
D. Labor according to a written contract


Correct Answer: C. Labor for Payment


15. Soda water serves as:

A. A Primary Remedy for Upset Stomach
B. Relieves Headache
C. Serve as Antiseptic
D. Serves as Antibody


Correct Answer: A. A Primary Remedy for Upset Stomach


16. H.C.F of 5 x2 y2 and 20 x3 y3 is:

A. 5 x2 y2
B. 20 x3 y3
C. 100 x5 y5
D. 5xy


Correct Answer: A. 5 x2 y2


17. The third proportional of x2 and y2 is:

A. y2/x2
B. X2y2
C. y4/x2
D. y2/x4


Correct Answer: C. y4/x2


18. If -f(x) = f(-x) then function f is called?

A. Liner Function
B. Odd Function
C. Periodic Function
D. Even Function


Correct Answer: B. Odd Function


19. To change line height to 1.5 in MS Word we use shortcut key?

A. Ctrl + 1
B. Ctrl + 2
C. Ctrl + 3
D. Ctrl + 5


Correct Answer: D. Ctrl + 5


20. What does Fax mean?

A. Transmitting or receiving a document by a fax machine
B. Proofreading a Document
C. Telephonic transmission of scanned printed material
D. Toughing a Document away


21. What category of record can be destroyed by the ministries themselves?



Correct Answer: C. DE


22. Which feature starts a new line whenever a word or sentence reached a border in MS Word?

A. Text Line
B. New Line
C. Text Wrapping
D. Text Align


Correct Answer: C. Text Wrapping


23. To properly receive, process, file and report all official documents, you should:

A. Keep a Copy of every Document the Office has ever produce no matter how travel it is
B. Have an effective Document Management System
C. Photocopy all Documents and then take one
D. Run and Effective Diary management system


Correct Answer: A. Keep a Copy of every Document the Office has ever produce no matter how travel it is


24. How much period the record can be kept in a record room?

A. 4 Years
B. 5 Years
C. 3 Years
D. 6 Years


Correct Answer: B. 5 Years


25. After five years the record transferred to?

D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. NAP


26. The responsibility of Assistant to maintain the record of suspense cases on?

A. Permanent Calendar Diary
B. Ordinary Calendar Diary
C. Casual Paper
D. Movement Register


Correct Answer: B. Ordinary Calendar Diary


27. One practical way to bring down office expenditure is to:

A. Keep the Office windows Open Throughout
B. Send every Hone one Hour early from Work the Day
C. Get Staff to Send out Letters rather than email
D. Turn off Unused light and Computer or Laptop


Correct Answer: D. Turn off Unused light and Computer or Laptop


28. To creative effective presentation and correspondence you should:

A. Have a Good Knowledge of Microsoft Office
B. Be able File away Paper work Properly
C. Be Prepared Plagiarize and Copy other People Writing
D. Know how to Add and Subtract


Correct Answer: B. Have a Good Knowledge of Microsoft Office


29. Disposed of non-current record in accordance with the principal of National archive Act ____.

A. 1983
B. 1993
C. 1973
D. 1995


Correct Answer: B. 1993


30. ____ labels are used for cases which should be disposed of within three (3) days.

A. Immediate
B. Residence
C. Priority
D. Immediate and Residence


Correct Answer: C. Priority


31. F.R stands for:

A. For Record
B. Fresh Receipt
C. For Retrieve
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Fresh Receipt


32. Diary management helps you to:

A. Book Hotel for Office
B. Complying with all Legal Regulatory and Best Practice a Guide Line
C. Keep control of everything from internal and external meetings
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Keep control of everything from internal and external meetings


33. In which view Headers and Footers are visible in MS Word?

A. Normal View
B. Page Layout View
C. Print layout View
D. Draft View


Correct Answer: C. Print Layout View


34. Register maintained for diarizing top secret, secret and accountable matter is:

A. Common Registers
B. Separate Registers
C. Movement Registers
D. Log Registers


Correct Answer: B. Separate Registers


35. When any classified matter received in an office it should be _____ diarized in a separate register?

A. After Two Days
B. Next Day
C. Immediately
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Immediately


36. What does touch typing mean?

A. Ability to type without looking at the keyboard
B. Ability to type 1500 words in 1 minute
C. Ability to type 100 words without looking keypad
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Ability to type without looking at the keyboard 


37. Who will prepare register of non-current files?

A. Cashier
B. Assistant
D. Steno Typist


Correct Answer: B. Assistant


38. All notes should be written on ___?

A. Plain Paper
B. Letterhead Pad
C. Color Paper
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Letterhead Pad


39. How many times the word Quran is repeated in the Holy Quran?

A. 70
B. 72
C. 75
D. 73


Correct Answer: A. 70


40. Subject of Holy Quran is:

A. Animal
B. Universe
C. Human
D. Earth


Correct Answer: C. Human


41. Who accepted Islam first in woman?

A. Hazrat Hafsa R.A
B. Hazrat Amina R.A
C. Hazrat Khadija R.A
D. Hazrat Ruqaya R.A


Correct Answer: C. Hazrat Khadija R.A


42. Gaza is the famous city of:

A. Egypt
B. Palestine
C. Jordan
D. Iran


Correct Answer: B. Palestine


43. The Conqueror of Central Asia was:

A. Qutayba bin Muslim
B. Khalid bin Waleed
C. Muhammad bin Qasim
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Qutayba bin Muslim 


44. Correct the sentence if necessary. The sceneries of Kashmir are beautiful.

A. The sceneries of Kashmir are beautiful
B. The scenery of Kashmir is beautiful
C. Both A & B
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. The scenery of Kashmir is beautiful 


45. Honesty is a desirable characteristic trait.

A. Conjunction
B. Pronoun
C. Noun
D. Preposition


Correct Answer: C. Noun


46. Antonym of Supernal?

A. Earthy
B. Celestial
C. Divine
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Earthy


47. Choose the correctly spelt word:

A. Humarous
B. Humorous
C. Humurous
D. Humerous


Correct Answer: B. Humorous


48. Choose the correctly spelt word:

A. Ofense
B. Affence
C. Offience
D. Offence


Correct Answer: D. Offence


49. Choose the correctly spelt word?

A. Scissors
B. Scisors
C. Scissars
D. Secissors


Correct Answer: A. Scissors


50. Choose the correctly spelt word?

A. Monotonuou
B. Monotonous
C. Monotonauos
D. Monatonous


Correct Answer: B. Monotonous


51. Antonym of Torpor?

A. Inactive
B. Lack of Energy
C. Dullness
D. None of these


Correct Answer: D. None of these (Energy, Active, Vigour)


52. I must clean my room before going to the park. 

A. Noun
B. Pronoun
C. Preposition
D. Verb


Correct Answer: A. Noun


53. Sophia sang the solo perfectly.

A. Adverb
B. Conjunction
C. Noun
D. Pronoun


Correct Answer: A. Adverb


54. Many students are excited about the class trip.

A. Pronoun
B. Noun
C. Preposition
D. Verb


Correct Answer: D. Verb


55. The storm uprooted the eight-foot tree.

A. Adjective
B. Conjunction
C. Preposition
D. Verb


Correct Answer: A. Adjective


56. Samantha forgot to bring her home work to school.

A. Interjection
B. Noun
C. Adjective
D. Pronoun


Correct Answer: D. Pronoun


57. There has been a landslide. You ___ be careful while deriving there.

A. can
B. must
C. could
D. would


Correct Answer: B. Must


58. We are ___ wait in the lobby until the receptionist calls again.

A. Supposed to
B. Used to
C. Obliged to
D. Able to


Correct Answer: A. Supposed to 


59. It’s time we ___leave.

A. Might
B. Should
C. Might Have
D. Could Have


Correct Answer: B. Should


60. We ___definitely look into the matter”, the officer affirmed.

A. Need to
B. Would
C. Will
D. Dare to


Correct Answer: C. Will


61. You ___ speak in the library.

A. Must Not
B. Dare Not
C. Need Not
D. Could Not


Correct Answer: A. Must Not


62. I ___ have won the tournament.

A. Will
B. Need to
C. Could
D. Ought to


Correct Answer: C. Could 


63. Refreshing water is always a treat on a hot day.

A. Verb
B. Noun
C. Adjective
D. Interjection


Correct Answer: C. Adjective


64. A process is a ____.

A. Contents of Main Memory
B. Program in the execution
C. Program in the memory
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Program in the execution 


65. ___ represents raw facts, whereas ___ is data made meaningful.

A. Information, Reporting
B. Data, Information
C. Information, Bits
D. Record, bytes


Correct Answer: B. Data, Information


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