Note IBA 5 to 15 Scale Solved Mcqs Paper (Morning) held on 22 Jan, 2023, Contains 60+ solved mcqs of English Synonyms, Antonyms, Correct Spelling, English Prepositions, Current Affairs, World-GK, Islamiat, Everyday Science and Computer.
Choose the Synonym of Underlined Word
1. The Quraish Used to worship idols and did not believe in one God.
A. Would
B. Could
C. Should
D. Ought to
Correct Answer: C. Should
2. “Be my witness O God”
A. Proof
B. Testimony
C. Evidence
D. The Seer who sees everything happen
Correct Answer: D. The Seer who sees everything happen
3. If they drink sufficient water, they would have a healthy skin.
A. To take Liquid
B. To Have
C. To Consume
D. To Gulp
Correct Answer: D. To Gulp
4. I would go mad. If I received a billion rupees.
A. Mentally Ill
B. Beside Oneself with Joy
C. Not at all Sensible
D. Wild and Excited
Correct Answer: A. Mentally Ill
5. If money grew on trees, everyone would be rich.
A. To increase the size, quality or number
B. To exist and develop in a particular place
C. To Gradually begin to produce something
D. To Make Improve and Increase Something
Correct Answer: B. To Exist and Develop in a Particular Place
Choose the Antonym of Underlined Word
6. If all people of Pakistan became honest, the country would progress very fast.
A. Retreat
B. Underdevelop
C. Retrogress
D. Shatter
Correct Answer: A. Retreat
7. They can win the match easily.
A. Give Up
B. Loose
C. Defeat
D. Lose
Correct Answer: C. Defeat
8. You don’t fall sick when you swim.
A. To Get Well again
B. To Stay Healthy
C. To Feel Healthy
D. To Enjoy Healthy Life
Correct Answer: B. To Stay Healthy
9. The Plan was Dropped.
A. Finished
B. Started
C. Executed and Continued Until Done
D. Selected and Continued
Correct Answer: D. Selected and Continued
10. Shah Latif is called the “Saint ___Bhit”.
A. From
B. At
C. Of
D. In
Correct Answer: C. Of
11. She reproduced sentences ____ the original text.
A. From
B. To
C. In
D. Into
Correct Answer: A. From
12. He ought to have arrived ___ this time.
A. By
B. In
C. At
D. With
Correct Answer: C. At
13. I can read a car number plate ___ fifty meters.
A. By
B. From
C. To
D. At
Correct Answer: B. From
14. Her hair fell ___ her waist.
A. On
B. To
C. Above
D. Onto
Correct Answer: B. To
15. ___ with your family.
A. I am Praying for a Nice time
B. Take a Nice Time
C. Have a Nice Time
D. What a Nic Time
Correct Answer: C. Have a Nice Time
16. Choose the Correct Spelt Word:
A. Excape
B. Escape
C. Ascape
D. Excap
Correct Answer: B. Escape
17. Choose the Correct Spelt Word:
A. Existance
B. Ecestance
C. Exisatance
D. Existence
Correct Answer: D. Existence
18. Choose the correct Spelt Word:
A. Medow
B. Meado
C. Meadows
D. Meedow
Correct Answer: C. Meadows
19. Choose the Correct Spelt Word:
A. Wander
B. Wunder
C. Wondar
D. Woonder
Correct Answer: A. Wander
20. Choose the Correct Spelt Word:
A. Mangooar
B. Mongoose
C. Mungoose
D. Mongoos
Correct Answer: B. Mongoose
21. Estonia is located in ____?
A. Balkan Region
B. Baltic Region
C. Latin American Region
D. Scandinavian Region
Correct Answer: B. Baltic Region
22. World’s famous leader Willy Brandt belonged to which country of Europe?
A. France
B. Austria
C. Germany
D. Belgium
Correct Answer: C. Germany
23. ___ connects Arabian Sea with Persian Gulf?
A. Strait of Hormuz
B. Strait of Malacca
C. Bab al Mandab
D. Suez Canal
Correct Answer: A. Strait of Hormuz
24. McMohan Line is a Border between ____?
A. South Korea and North Korea
B. South Vietnam and North Vietnam
C. China and Myanmar
D. China and India
Correct Answer: D. China and India
25. Tenure of UN Secretary General is ____?
A. 2 Years
B. 3 Years
C. 4 Years
D. 5 Years
Correct Answer: D. 5 Years
26. Talks for Britain’s exit (Brexit) from European Union were held in which of the following country?
A. Spain
B. Belgium
C. Germany
Correct Answer: B. Belgium
27. US intervened in April 1917 into WWI because some American Commercial ships were allegedly destroyed by U-boats of ___?
A. Japan
B. Hungary
C. Germany
D. Italy
Correct Answer: C. Germany
28. Capital city of Australia is?
A. Sydney
B. Melbourne
C. Canberra
D. Auckland
Correct Answer: C. Canberra
29. International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) has won Noble Prize ____ times.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Correct Answer: C. Four
30. World’s famous book “Atomic Habits” is written by?
A. James Clear
B. Eckhart Tolle
C. Graham Allison
D. Arundhati Roy
Correct Answer: A. James Clear
31. Currency of Oman is?
A. Omani Rial
B. Omani Dirham
C. Omani Dollar
D. Omani Dinar
Correct Answer: A. Omani Rial
32. The Pakistan Monument is located in?
A. Lahore
B. Karachi
C. Islamabad
D. Rawalpindi
Correct Answer: C. Islamabad
33. In surprising defeat Argentina lost to which Arab-Asian Country in FIFA World Cup Qatar2022?
A. Senegal
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Jordan
D. Iraq
Correct Answer: B. Saudi Arabia
34. Our Solar System is located in which galaxy?
A. Cygnus
B. Magellanic Clouds
C. Milky Way Galaxy
D. Silky Way
Correct Answer: C. Milky Way Galaxy
35. The Noble Peace Prize winner of 2022 is?
A. Vladimir Zilinsky
B. Ales Bialiatski
C. Maria Ressa
D. Malala Yousufzai
Correct Answer: B. Ales Bialiatski
36. Which one among the following is an example of decomposition reaction?
A. The Reaction of Sodium and Chlorine to Form Sodium Chloride
B. The Bunting of Coal to give Carbon Dioxide
C. The Formation of Hydrogen and Oxygen from Water
D. The Formation of Ammonia from Nitrogen and Hydrogen
Correct Answer: C. The Formation of Hydrogen and Oxygen from Water
37. The study of heat changes in chemical reaction is called?
A. Electrochemistry
B. Thermochemistry
C. Organic Chemistry
D. Biochemistry
Correct Answer: B. Thermochemistry
38. The reaction which releases or gives off heat energy is called?
A. Exothermic Reaction
B. Endothermic Reaction
C. Isothermic Reaction
D. Indothermic Reaction
Correct Answer: A. Exothermic Reaction
39. The basic physical and functional unit of heredity is called?
A. Chromosomes
B. Gene
C. Cell
D. Cytoplasm
Correct Answer: B. Gene
40. The molecular model of DNA which suggests the basic mechanism of DNA replication was proposed by?
A. James Watson and Francis Crick
B. Charles Darwin and G. Mendel
C. C. Woese and R. Franklin
D. M. Wilkins and J. Black
Correct Answer: A. James Watson and Francis Crick
41. In the bacterial cell, the DNA is found floating in the?
A. Nucleus
B. Cytoplasm
C. Ectoplasm
D. Nucleoplasm
Correct Answer: A. Nucleus
42. Convex Lenses are also known as?
A. Converging Lenses
B. Diverging Lenses
C. Deflecting Lenses
D. Reflecting Lenses
Correct Answer: A. Converging Lenses
43. The light sensitive part of the eye is?
A. Cornea
B. Retina
C. Optic Nerve
D. Iris
Correct Answer: B. Retina
44. Solar Panels contains solar cells which are called?
A. Photo-Voltaic Cells
B. Photo-Electric Cells
C. Photo-Nuclear Cells
D. Photo-Protic Cells
Correct Answer: A. Photo-Voltaic Cells
45. Who used telescope first time in the human history to observe Jupiter, Saturn and Venus?
A. Galileo-Galilei
B. Aristotle
C. AL-Beruni
D. Thomas Harriot
Correct Answer: A. Galileo-Galilei
46. Who was the chairman of boundary commission during the partition of subcontinent 1947?
A. Radcliff
B. Mount Batten
C. Lord Wavell
D. Lord Atlee
Correct Answer: A. Radcliff
47. Who was the lord Curzon in India during the partition of Bengal 1905?
A. Secretary of India
B. President of India
C. Prime Minister of India
D. Viceroy of India
Correct Answer: D. Viceroy of India
48. Imran khan was removed from the Prime Minister Office through which method?
A. No-Vote of Confidence
B. Impeachment
C. Supreme Court Order
D. Disqualification due to Correction
Correct Answer: A. No-Vote of Confidence
49. What is the terminological meaning of “Fiqh”?
A. Deep Understanding
B. Meaningful Interpretation
C. Way of Revelation
D. Law of Sharia
Correct Answer: A. Deep Understanding
50. What is Islamic Jurisprudence of Law?
A. Fiqh
B. Ussol-e-Fiqh
C. Quran
D. Hadith
Correct Answer: A. Fiqh
51. A Salesman who usually travels by motorcycle needs to use or carry a computer to record the sales orders be takes from the shops he visits. While of the following is a suitable computer for this purpose?
A. Desktop Computer
B. Laptop Computer
C. Tablet
D. Supercomputer
Correct Answer: C. Tablet
52. Which of the following is used to build microcomputers?
A. Vacuum Tube
B. Transistor
C. Processor
Correct Answer: C. Processor
53. A computer has a main memory of 960 Kbytes. What is the exact number of bytes contained in this memory?
A. 960 * 8
B. 960 * 1000
C. 960 * 1024
D. 960 * 1024 * 1024
Correct Answer: C. 960 * 1024
54. Which one of the following would not be considered as a form of secondary storage?
A. Floppy Disk
B. Optical Disk
D. Flash Drive
Correct Answer: C. RAM
55. What is the name of web page address?
A. Directory
B. Protocol
D. Domain
Correct Answer: C. URL
56. Which function converts text to uppercase in MS Excel 2016?
Correct Answer: B. UPPER
57. Which function is useful when you need to display the current date and time on a worksheet?
A. =Date ()
B. =Time ()
C. =Today()
D. =Now()
Correct Answer: D. =NOW()
58. Another name for a pre-programmed formula in excel is?
A. Cell
B. Graph
C. Function
D. Range
Correct Answer: C. Function
59. Which of the following functions is used to sum the values in a range that meet criteria that you specify.
Correct Answer: B. SUMIF
60. Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are known as?
A. Transitions
B. Effects
C. Custom Animations
D. Annotations
Correct Answer: A. Transitions
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