Note: Ministry of Defence (MOD) Assistant Director (AD) Solved Past Papers Repeated MCQs.


1. The nearest opposite of FEND:

A. Hostility
B. Laxity
C. Encourage
D. Native


Correct Answer: C. Encourage


2. The most nearly opposite of BENEVOLENT:

A. Malevolent
B. Sympathetic
C. Liberal
D. Beneficial


Correct Answer: A. Malevolent


3. The most nearly opposite of EFFICACIOUS:

A. Useful
B. Skilled
C. Useless
D. Unskilled


Correct Answer: C. Useless


4. Opposite of YIELDING:

A. Ordinance
B. Obdurate
C. Deliberate
D. Understood


Correct Answer: B. Obdurate


5. Select the letter pair that has expressed a relationship to the given word. BRIEF: LEGAL.

A. Spreadsheet: Financial
B. Review: Theatrical
C. Letter: Administrative
D. Formula: Mathematical


Correct Answer: A. Spreadsheet : Financial


6. Select the lettered pair that has expressed a relationship to the given word. COMPLAIN CARP.

A. Supply: Donate
B. Argue: Debate
C. Grumble: Accuse
D. Drink: Guzzle


Correct Answer: D. Drink : Guzzle


7. Select the lettered pair that has expressed a relationship to the given word. DEPLETE: ENERVATE.

A. Strengthen: Weak
B. Invigorate: Tired
C. Exhaust: Enfeeble
D. Tighten: loosen


Correct Answer: C. Exhaust : Enfeeble


8. Select the lettered pair that has expressed a relationship to the given word. NUMISMATIST: COINS

A. Philatelist: Stamps
B. Jeweler: Jewels
C. Cartographer: Maps
D. Geneticist: Chromosomes


Correct Answer: A. Philatelist : Stamps


9. The Similar word of ATROPHY?

A. Capture
B. Waste Away
C. Lose
D. Defeat


Correct Answer: B. Waste Way


10. Nearly similar word of VOLUMINOUS is?

A. Short
B. Huge
C. Shining
D. Loud


Correct Answer: B. Huge


11. Similar word of CHRONICLE?

A. Rearranging
B. Record
C. Climate
D. Split


Correct Answer: B. Record


12. Similar word for TRACTABLE is:

A. Confused
B. Wise
C. Simplistic
D. Convoluted


Correct Answer: B. Wise


Read the Passage and Answer the Questions

It is difficult to reconcile the ideas of different schools of thought on the question of education. Some people maintain that pupils at school should concentrate on a narrow range of subjects which will benefit them directly in their subsequent careers. Others contend that they should study a wide range of subjects so that they will have the specialized knowledge necessary for their chosen careers and sound general knowledge about the world they will have to live and work in. Supporters of the first theory state that the greatest contributions to civilization are made by those who are most experts in their trade or profession. Those on the other side say that, unless they have had broad general education, the experts will be too narrow in their outlook to have sympathy with their fellows or a proper sense of responsibility towards humanity as a whole.


13. A suitable title for the passage would be:

A. Different Schools of Thought
B. The contexts of Education
C. Two Views on Education
D. Effective Education


Correct Answer: A. Different Schools of Thought


14. The first school of thought believes that students should?

A. Study what they want
B. Be Given General Knowledge
C. Study only a Few Subjects
D. Study Seriously


Correct Answer: B. Be Given General Knowledge


15. It is difficult to reconcile the ideas of two schools of thought because?

A. They lack Clarity
B. They are narrow
C. They Ignore each other’s concerns
D. They are contradictory


Correct Answer: B. They are Narrow


16. According to the second school of thought students with broad-based knowledge would?

A. Be more aware of their responsibility toward broad
B. Not become specialists
C. Fall to develop proper skills
D. Make Contribution to Civilization


Correct Answer: A. Be more aware of their responsibility towards Broad


17. ___ by long queues and bad weather, the voters ___ their way to polling stations any way they could.

A. Undaunted, Made
B. Worried, Lost
C. Encouraged, Prepared
D. Going, Dropped


Correct Answer: A. Undaunted, Made


18. When the new artists started work, it was discovered that they could not make ___ what to do.

A. Out
B. Up
C. In
D. Off


Correct Answer: D. Off


19. The man who was driving the truck would not admit that he had been at fault, and ___.

A. Neither the other Driver
B. Neither would the Other Driver
C. Neither had the Other Driver
D. The other Driver Other


Correct Answer: C. Neither had the Other Driver


20. Jamal ___ his head in shame.

A. Stretched
B. Nodded
C. Turned
D. Hung


Correct Answer: D. Hung


Read the following Passage and Answer the questions

Flower A, Flower B, Flower C, and Flower D are four different categories of flowers distinguished according to their blooming seasons, such that:
Flower A and Flower B bloom in winter and summer.
Flower C and Flower D bloom in autumn and spring.
Flower B and Flower C bloom in spring and winter.
Flower A and Flower D bloom in summer and autumn.


21. Which flower bloom in autumn, winter, and summer?

A. Flower A
B. Flower B
C. Flower C
D. Flower D


Correct Answer: A. Flower A


22. The flower which blooms in autumn, winter, and spring is:

A. Flower A
B. Flower B
C. Flower C
D. Flower D


Correct Answer: C. Flower C


23. The flower which blooms in spring, winter, and summer is:

A. Flower C
B. Flower D
C. Flower A
D. Flower B


Correct Answer: D. Flower B


24. The flower which does not bloom in spring is:

A. Flower A
B. Flower B
C. Flower C
D. Flower D


Correct Answer: A. Flower A


25. The flower which does not bloom in summer is:

A. Flower A
B. Flower B
C. Flower C
D. Flower D


Correct Answer: C. Flower C


26. Which flower bloom in spring and summer?

A. Flower B
B. Flower C
C. Flower D
D. Both A & C


Correct Answer: D. Both A & C (Flower B and C)


Read The Passage and answer the questions.

In a wall grapy a painter is selecting two combinations of colors, Combination 1 and Combination 2, choosing from seven colors T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z. Combination 1 will contain four of the colors and Combination 2 will contain the other three colors. The painter must select the colors for each combination according to the following Restrictions:
T cannot be in the same combination as U.
If X is in Combination 2, Z must also be in combination 2.
If Z is in combination 1, W must also be in combination 1.


27. If T and Z are in Combination 2, any of the following colors can also be in Combination 2 Except?

A. X
B. Y
C. U
D. V


Correct Answer: C. U


28. If Z is in combination1, which of the following must be true?

A. X is in combination 2
B. U is in the same combination as V
C. T is in combination 1
D. V is in combination 2


Correct Answer: A. X is in Combination 2


29. If X is in combination with 2, which of the following must be true?

A. T is in combination 2
B. U is in combination 2
C. W is in combination 1
D. Z is in combination 2


Correct Answer: D. Z is in combination 2


This product stand sells fruits and vegetables. All fruits are delicious, and all vegetables are rich in vitamins. Every food that is vitamin-rich is delicious, so everything sold at this stand is delicious.


30. Which one of the following assumptions is necessary to make the conclusion in the argument above logically correct?

A. The stand sells many fruits and vegetables
B. This Product stand sells only fruits and vegetables
C. Something cannot be both vitamin-rich and delicious
D. Some stands sell fruits that are not delicious


Correct Answer: B. This Product stand sells only fruits and vegetables


Read the passage and answer the questions

Six cupboards Cupboard U, Cupboard V, Cupboard W, Cupboard X, Cupboard Y, and Cupboard Z are being placed in hotel rooms, each of which can accommodate two Cupboards and no more than two. Each Cupboard must be placed in exactly one room and must be placed in that room either alone or else together with one other six Cupboard. Enough rooms are available to permit any possible assignment of Cupboards to rooms, but the following restrictions must be observed:
Cupboard V cannot be placed in a room with Cupboard W.
Cupboard W cannot be placed in a room with Cupboard X.
Cupboard Y and Cupboard Z must be placed in a room together.


31. Which of the following pairs of cupboards can be placed in one room together?

A. Cupboard Y and Cupboard Z
B. Cupboard W and Cupboard X
C. Cupboard Y and Cupboard V
D. Cupboard U and Cupboard X


Correct Answer: A. Cupboard Y and Cupboard Z


32. If cupboard W is placed in a room alone, which of the following must be true?

A. Cupboard V is placed in a room, alone
B. The Cupboards occupy either 4 or 5 rooms
C. The Cupboards occupy either 3 or 6 rooms
D. None other than Cupboard W is placed in a room alone


Correct Answer: D. None other than Cupboard W is placed in a room alone


33. If Cupboard Y and Cupboard Z are the only cupboards placed in a room, how many rooms are the minimum that can accommodate the cupboards?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5


Correct Answer: D. 5


Read the passage and answer the questions

A teacher asked the class to draw diagrams of four shapes namely rectangle, square, circle and triangle is a single class and has the following restrictions.
Rectangle has priority over the square.
The Circle has priority over the triangle.
If one shape has priority over another, the shape with priority must be drawn earlier than the other one.


34. Given only the determinations above, each of the following is a possible sequence in which the four shapes could be drawn Except?

A. Circle, Rectangle, Triangle, Square
B. Circle, Square, Rectangle, Triangle
C. Rectangle, Square, Circle, Triangle
D. Rectangle, Circle, Square, Triangle


Correct Answer: C. Rectangle, Square, Circle, Triangle


35. If each of the shapes takes equally long to draw, it must be true that:

A. Rectangle is drawn before triangle is drawn
B. Square is drawn before Circle is drawn
C. Circle is drawn before Square is drawn
D. Circle is drawn before Triangle is drawn


Correct Answer: D. Circle is drawn before Triangle is Drawn


36. Revelation has been of ____ kind.

A. One
B. Two
C. Four
D. Three


Correct Answer: B. Two


37. The word Jurisprudence is derived from:

A. Juris
B. Prudent
C. Both A & B
D. Lex


Correct Answer: C. Both A & B


38. According to Article 16 of Qanoon-e-Shahadat, an accomplice is a competent witness in all cases Except?

A. Hudood Cases
B. Hadd Cases
C. Accused person
D. None of These


Correct Answer: B. Hadd Cases 


39. According to the Punjab Family Courts (Amendment) Bill, 2015 in case of dissolution of marriage through khula, the wife may be directed to surrender her dower up to?

A. 100% of Deferred and 50% of Prompt
B. 50% of Deferred and 25% of Prompt
C. 25% of Deferred and 25% of Prompt
D. 50% of Deferred and 50% of Prompt


Correct Answer: B. 50% of Deferred and 25% of Prompt


40. Legal Realism was analyzed in the United States by:

A. Salmond
B. Austin
C. Holmes
D. Grotius


Correct Answer: C. Oliver Wendell Holmes 


41. Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by?

A. By the National Assembly of KP
B. By the General Assembly of the United Nations
C. By the National Assembly of Balochistan
D. By the National Assembly of Sindh


Correct Answer: B. By the General Assembly of the United Nations


42. Under CPC Judges means the Presiding officer of:

A. A Criminal Court
B. A Civil Court
C. A Session Court
D. A High Court


Correct Answer: B. A Civil Court


43. What does `Pleading` mean?

A. Plaint only
B. Plaint and Written Statement
C. Written Statement Only
D. Plaint, written statement, and Record of Evidence


Correct Answer: B. Plaint and Written Statement


44. ‘The Unstable Earth’ is a famous geography book authored by:

A. Arthur Holmes
B. Thornbury
C. Monkhouse
D. J.A Steers


Correct Answer: D. J.A. Steers


45. Sedimentary Rocks are formed by a natural process known as:

A. Lithification
B. Rejuvenation
C. Hydration
D. Peroxidation


Correct Answer: A. Lithification

Detail About MCQs

The most important geological processes that lead to the creation of sedimentary rocks are Erosion, Weathering, Dissolution, precipitation, and lithification.


46. Atmospheric pressure decreases rapidly with altitude because the air becomes:

A. Colder
B. Less Dense
C. Rich in Ozone
D. Warmer


Correct Answer: B. Less Dense


47. Gneiss, schists, anthracite, diamond, and marble state are common examples of:

A. Sedimentary Rocks
B. Igneous Rocks
C. Metamorphic Rocks
D. Extrusive Igneous Rocks


Correct Answer: C. Metamorphic Rocks


48. The proportion of ___ rocks decreases with depth.

A. Aluminum
B. Silicon
C. Iron
D. Lead


Correct Answer: B. Silicon


49. Which of the following is a cold currently?

A. Gulf Stream
B. Brazil
C. Labrador
D. Kuroshio


Correct Answer: C. Labrador

Detail About MCQs

The Cold Current flows in the Arctic and Atlantic Region. This Labrador Current flows in the North Atlantic Ocean. The cold current flows to the Labrador coast from the Arctic Ocean. This Cold wave also meets the warm waves that are moving and outward in Gulf Stream.


50. The term Geography was coined for the first time by a Greek scholar ___ in 234 BC.

A. Herodotus
B. Thales of Miletus
C. Eratosthenes
D. Plato


Correct Answer: C. Eratosthenes

Detail about Mcqs

The term geography was first coined by Eratosthenes, a Greek scholar (276-194 BC). The word has been derived from two roots in the Greek language Geo (Earth) and Graphos (Description).


51. The Great Barrier Reef is located in the:

A. Pacific Ocean
B. Indian Ocean
C. Atlantic Ocean
D. Arctic Ocean


Correct Answer: A. Pacific Ocean


52. There are ___ themes in Geography.

A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Seven


Correct Answer: C. Five


53. The Royal Geographical Society was founded in:

A. 1600
B. 1630
C. 1730
D. 1830


Correct Answer: D. 1830


54. Which type of climate of the world has dry summer and wet winter?

A. Western European Type
B. Mediterranean Type
C. Equatorial Type
D. Tundra Type


Correct Answer: B. Mediterranean Type


55. Regarding food availability, which of the following things inspired people to settle permanently in one location?

A. Tools
B. Agriculture
C. Fishing
D. Industry


Correct Answer: B. Agriculture


56. The Earth’s surface and crust are constantly evolving due to ___.

A. Rotary Cycle
B. Normal Cycle
C. Rock Cycle
D. Change Cycle


Correct Answer: C. Rock Cycle


57. The source of light is placed on the opposite side for drawing the graticules for:

A. Gnomonic Projection
B. Orthographic Projection
C. Stereographic Projection
D. Equidistant Projection


Correct Answer: C. Stereographic Projection


58. Which of the following move material in parallel to the direction of movement?

A. L Waves
B. S Waves
C. P Waves
D. N Waves


Correct Answer: C. P Waves


59. Amazon tropical rainforest is also known as ____.

A. Boreal
B. Selva
C. Tundra
D. Conifers


Correct Answer: B. Selva


60. As children begin their elementary school years, they enter Erikson’s stage of:

A. Trust Versus mistrust
B. Autonomy Versus Doubt
C. Industry Versus Inferiority
D. Identity Versus role confusion


Correct Answer: C. Indus Versus Inferiority


61. One of the main criticism of the Freudian psychoanalytic theory is that it:

A. Focuses too much Attention on Sexual Conflicts and Fixations
B. Assumes all behaviors are learned during childhood
C. Is too pessimistic about the future of humanity
D. Focuses too much attention on the id and not enough on the ego


Correct Answer: B. Assumes all behaviors are learned during childhood


62. Which of the following research methods does not allow drawing conclusions regarding causality in research?

A. Experimental Research
B. Correlational Research
C. Case Studies
D. Surveys


Correct Answer: B. Correlational Research


63. Which of the following is not considered as an altered state of consciousness?

A. Sleep
B. Hypnosis
C. Meditation
D. Exercise


Correct Answer: B. Hypnosis


64. Which of the following statements best illustrate Maslow’s esteem needs?

A. Going to the gym three days a week to improve your health
B. Donating a large sum of money to charity
C. Getting married to your high school class fellow
D. Going to university to earn a master’s degree in counseling


Correct Answer: D. Going to university to earn a masters degree in counseling


65. One of the following, which would a psychologist consider the best example of learning?

A. A child able to ride a bike
B. A woman experiencing labor pains
C. All swimming upstream during the mating season
D. A baby sucking on her mother’s breast for nourishment


Correct Answer: A. A child able to ride a bike 


66. The purpose of free association is to:

A. Facilitate changing negative behavior
B. Help bring the unconscious conflict to the surface
C. Help a patient relax
D. Rid an individual of his or her sexual desires


Correct Answer: C. Help a patient relax


67. When we perform well on a task we typically attribute our success to our internal characteristics. This is known as?

A. Fundamental Attribution Error
B. Self-Schema Bias
C. Self-Serving Bias
D. Personal Schema


Correct Answer: C. Self-Serving Bias


68. China is concerned with Article 370 due to its claim over:

A. Laddakh
B. Tibet
C. Sinkiang
D. Baltistan


Correct Answer: A. Laddakh


69. Are conflict management and conflict resolution the same concepts?

A. Entirely Different, but both relate to Peace Studies
B. One and the same thing
C. Coincide with each other
D. Slightly supportive of each other


Correct Answer: A. Entirely Different, but both relate to Peace Studies


70. Article 370 of the Indian Constitution is related to the specific of:

A. Kashmir Only
B. Kashmir and Laddakh
C. Kashmir and Tibet
D. Kashmir and Sikkim


Correct Answer: A. Kashmir only


71. Treaty of Westphalia was signed in:

A. 1648
B. 1789
C. 1815
D. 1919


Correct Answer: A. 1648


72. Which head of government of Pakistan utilized the tool of Cricket Diplomacy?

A. General Zia-ul_Haq
B. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
C. General Ayub Khan
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. General Zia-ul-Haq


73. CPEC is famously known as?

A. A Collection of security agreements
B. A Collection of Infrastructure projects
C. An attempt to safeguard Gwadar port
D. An attempt to provide china access to warm waters of the Persian gulf


Correct Answer: B. A Collection of Infrastructure Projects


74. In 1973, the Arab States used the oil Weapon to pressurize the pro-Israel Western Powers. Who advised the Arab States about it?

A. Shah Faisal
B. Houari Boumediene
C. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
D. Yasir Arafat


Correct Answer: A. Shah Faisal 


75. Are the non-state actors allowed to participate in war as per rules of International Law?

A. Absolutely Allowed
B. Absolutely not Allowed
C. Allowed with fulfillment of certain conditions
D. Very rarely permissible


Correct Answer: C. Allowed with fulfillment of certain conditions


76. What is meant by Kinetic Military Action?

A. Nuclear Deterrence
B. Active Warfare to use lethal Force
C. Ammunition of the Armed Forces
D. Conventional warfare with soft force


Correct Answer: B. Active Warfare to use Lethal Force


77. The Rights, Privlleges, and Immunities for Prisonors of war are defined in?

A. Vienna Congress 1899
B. Geneva Convention 1949
C. Vienna Convention 1962
D. Geneva Convention 1988


Correct Answer: B. Geneva Convention 1949


78. Why Pakistan never raised the Kashmir Issue in SAARC Conferences?

A. Because of the Governmental Policy of the Country
B. SAARC Charter does not allow to Raise the Mutual Disputes of the member countries at this Forum
C. Pakistan did not expect any positive Output from it
D. Due to dominating role of India as a Whole


Correct Answer: B. SAARC Charter does not allow to Raise the Mutual Disputes of the member countries at this Forum


79. Is there any security agreement between Pakistan and China?

A. Gwadar Port Agreement
B. Sino-Pakistan Agreement
C. MacMohan Line Agreement 1963
D. No Defence Alliance Exists


Correct Answer: B. Sino-Pakistan Agreement 


80. The staunch realist of this century who died in 2013 was:

A. Gorbachev
B. E.H Carr
C. Kenneth N. Waltz
D. Hans Morgenthau


Correct Answer: C. Kenneth Neal Waltz


81. President Woodrow was a supporter of the theory of:

A. Idealism
B. Realism
C. Positivism
D. Constructivism


Correct Answer: A. Idealism


82. Who was the last Security Adviser of PML (N) Government 2013-2018?

A. Sartaj Aziz
B. Agha Shahi
C. Lt Gen (R) Nasser Janjua
D. Lt Gen (R) Akram Durrani


Correct Answer: C. Lt Gen (R) Nasser Janjua


83. Who is the United States Security Adviser to President Doland Trump?

A. Robert O’Brien
B. Susan Rice
C. Michel Flynn
D. John Bolton


Correct Answer: A. Robert O’Brien


84. The writer of Globalization of World Politics is ___ and Steve Smith.

A. Feona Butler
B. Prof. White
C. Michel Foley
D. John Baylis


Correct Answer: D. John Baylis


85. Who is the Principal Founder of the discipline of Peace and Conflict Studies?

A. Johan Vincent Galtung
B. Martin Luthar King Junior
C. Mahatama Gandhi
D. Woodrow Wilson


Correct Answer: A. Johan Vincent Galtung


86. Pakistan’s nuclear stance is ___ which entirely deters, rent in nature.

A. No first use option
B. As the Second User States
C. Nothing Specific
D. Never will Use in War


Correct Answer: A. No first use option 

Detail About MCQs

Pakistan has pledged no first use against non-nuclear weapon states. Pakistan’s policy on first use against states that possess nuclear weapons, particularly India, remains vague.


87. Who Developed realism into a comprehensive International relations theory?

A. Woodrow Wilson
B. Rousseau
C. Froebel
D. Hans J. Morgenthau


Correct Answer: D. Hans J. Morgenthau

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