Note National Heritage and Culture Division Islamabad Upper Division Clerk Paper held on 28-01-2023, Contains 48+ Solved mcqs of English Synonyms, Antonyms, Preposition, Pak-Study, World-Gk and Computer.


1. Synonym of Foster is?

A. Increase
B. Lessen
C. Raise
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Lessen


2. The synonym of Abreast is?

A. Smart
B. Informed
C. Opposite
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Informed


3. When I listened to his cogent arguments, all my ___ were ___ and I was forced to agree with his point of view.

A. Senses, Stimulated
B. Doubt , Confirmed
C. Doubt, Dispelled
D. Question, Asked


Correct Answer: C. Doubt, Dispelled


4. He will be arriving quite late, so by the time he comes, the play

A. Would have Begun
B. Will Begun
C. Will have Begun
D. Would Begun


Correct Answer: C. Will have Begun


5. ___ Earth moves around ___ sun.

A. The, A
B. An, The
C. The, The
D. An, A


Correct Answer: C. The, The


6. ____ the bad weather, the outdoor party was rescheduled.

A. Because of
B. In order to
C. Despite
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Because of


7. My Friend said to me. “I will meet you tonight.”

A. My Friend told me that I will meet you tonight
B. My Friend told that he will meet me tonight
C. My Friend told me that he would meet me that night
D. My Friend said to me that he will meet me that night


Correct Answer: C. My Friend told me that he would meet me that night


8. Which one of the following is antonym of “Flaunt”?

A. Brandish
B. Display
C. Exhibit
D. None of these


Correct Answer: D. None of these (Hide)


9. I prefer tea ___ coffee.

A. To
B. Than
C. The
D. Of


Correct Answer: A. To


10. If you read the questions carefully you ___ them easily.

A. Answer
B. Will Answer
C. Might Answer
D. May Answer


Correct Answer: B. Will Answer


11. A person fluent in two languages is known as ___?

A. Bilgamy
B. Bilingual
C. Brittle
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Bilingual


12. “Brain Drain” means ___?

A. Mad Person
B. Migration of Skilled Person to Other Country
C. Emigration of Intellectuals Indonesia
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Migration of Skilled Person to Other Country


13. Which is the world’s Tallest tree?

A. Date Palm
B. Redwood
C. Royal Palm
D. Coconut Palm


Correct Answer: B. Redwood


14. One of the main objectives of All India Muslim League at the time of its creation was ___?

A. To be loyal to the Indian British Government
B. To Take Active Part in the Politics of the Country
C. To be close to Hinds Community
D. Not to take sides with any Indian Community


Correct Answer: A. To be Loyal to the Indian British Government


15. Raja Dahir was the ruler of ___?

A. Sindh
B. Lahore
C. Delhi
D. Degaipur


Correct Answer: A. Sindh


16. Hindi-Urdu Controversy of 1867 had far reaching consequences because?

A. It was the Forerunner of the Two-Nation Theory
B. Made Muslims think to be close to the Hindu Culture
C. To depend on the British Government for Justice
D. To be Indifferent to the Controversy


Correct Answer: A. It was the Forerunner of the Two Nation Theory


17. Simla Deputation of 1906 had the following purpose?

A. For future elections in the country Muslim Community would get separate electoral
B. The Deputation was advised to take Active part in Politics
C. The Deputation was directed to be friendly with the Rulers
D. To be in harmony with the Hindu Community of India


Correct Answer: A. For future elections in the country Muslim Community would get separate electoral


18. Gandhi Jinnah talks of 1944 failed due to?

A. Opposition by the Khaksars
B. Red Shirts
C. The Ahrat
D. Two Nation Theory


Correct Answer: D. Two Notion Thoery


19. The Original Inhabitants of Country?

A. Aborigines
B. Citizens
C. Natives
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Aborigines 


20. Article 25 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with?

A. Rule of Law
B. Equal Protection of Law
C. Equality of Citizens
D. All of these


Correct Answer: B. Equal Protection of Law


21. When did Quaid-e-Azam Join Muslim League?

A. 1900
B. 1913
C. 1923
D. 1921


Correct Answer: B. 1913


22. Title of Quaid-e-Azam was given to Muhammad Ali Jinnah by ___?

A. Moulana Muhammad Ali Johar
B. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
C. Allama Iqbal
D. Moulana Mazharuddin Shaheed


Correct Answer: D. Moulana Mazharuddin Shaheed


23. Pakistan is separated from central Asia by?

A. Caspian Sea
B. Wakhan
C. Aral River
D. Oxus River


Correct Answer: B. Wakhan


24. Palk Strait separates India from?

A. Sri lanka
B. Maldives
C. Bangladesh
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Sri lanka


25. Capital of Belgium is?

A. Ottawa
B. Berlin
C. Bern
D. Brussels


Correct Answer: D. Brussels


26. Identify the Largest Ocean?

A. Indian Ocean
B. Atlantic Ocean
C. Pacific Ocean
D. Arctic Ocean


Correct Answer: C. Pacific Ocean


27. Seattle is sea port of?

A. Russia
C. China
D. Germany


Correct Answer: B. USA


28. World’s smallest state by population is?

A. San Marina
B. Monaco
C. Vatican
D. Nauru


Correct Answer: C. Vatican


29. Which of the following is a cash crop?

A. Wheat
B. Rice
C. Cotton
D. All of these


Correct Answer: D. All of these


30. Where is the highest waterfall of the world?

A. Venezuela
C. Brazil
D. Zambia


Correct Answer: A. Venezuela


31. The buffer state of Asia is ___?

A. China
B. India
C. Afghanistan
D. Srilanka


Correct Answer: C. Afghanistan


32. Who is called the “Shakespeare” of Punjab Province?

A. Waris Shah
B. Bhul-e-Shah
C. Sultan Bab
D. Ustaad Daman


Correct Answer: A. Waris Shah


33. The first Country which recognized Pakistan after creation was?

A. Afghanistan
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Iran
D. Egypt


Correct Answer: C. Iran


34. Triptas is the Holy Book of?

A. Sikhs
B. Hindus
C. Jews
D. None of these


Correct Answer: D. None of these (Buddhism)


35. Where is the headquarters of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)?

A. Iran
B. Kuwait
C. Saudi Arabia
D. None of these


Correct Answer: D. None of these (Vienna)


36. A collection of system programs that controls and co-ordinates the overall operations of computer system is called?

A. System Software
B. Operating System
C. Utility Program
D. Device Driver


Correct Answer: B. Operating System


37. Who is the father of Internet?

A. Charles Babbage
B. Vint Cerf
C. Dennis Rich
D. Martin Copper


Correct Answer: B. Vint Cerf


38. 1 Gigabyte is equal to ____?

A. 1024 Bits
B. 1000 Megabytes
C. 1024 Kilobytes
D. 1024 Megabytes


Correct Answer: D. 1024 Megabytes


39. ___ is a combination of hardware and software that facilitates the sharing of information between computing devices?

A. Network
B. Peripheral
C. Digital Device
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Network


40. Which feature is used for monitoring all documents changes?

A. Edit Document
B. Monitor Change
C. Track Change
D. Track All


Correct Answer: C. Track Change


41. Shortcut key to double underlined the selected text is ___?

A. Ctrl + Alt + D
B. Shift + Alt U
C. Ctrl + Shift + U
D. Ctrl + Shift + D


Correct Answer: D. Ctrl + Shift + D


42. Which of the following is not a Power Point view?

A. Slide Show View
B. Side View
C. Presentation View
D. Outline View


Correct Answer: C. Side View


43. USB stands for ___?

A. Uniform System Bus
B. Uniform System Bug
C. Universal Serial Bus
D. Universal System Bus


Correct Answer: C. Universal Serial Bus


44. ____ are used to identify a user who returns to a website?

A. Cookies
B. Plug-ins
C. Scripts


Correct Answer: A. Cookies


45. CAD stands for?

A. Computer Application
B. Computer Aided Design
C. Computer Algorithm
D. Computer Analogue Design


Correct Answer: B. Computer Aided Design


46. Which of the following are the functions of an operation system?

A. Allocates Resources
B. Monitors Activities
C. Manages Disks and Files
D. All of these


Correct Answer: D. All of these


47. You can detect spelling and grammar errors by?

A. Press Shift + F7
B. Press Ctrl + F7
C. Press Alt + F7
D. Press F7


Correct Answer: D. Press F7


48. JPEG stands for ___?

A. Joint Photo Electronic Group
B. Joint Picture Electronic Group
C. Joint Photographic Experts Group
D. Joint Picture Experts Group


Correct Answer: C. Joint Photographic Experts Group


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