World Economic Forum has launched the ____ to convene the business community to support for COVID-19.

A. COVID Action Platform
B. Business Action Platform
C. International Emergency Platform
D. COVID Tackle Force


Correct Answer: A. COVID Action Platform

Detailed About MCQs

The World Economic Forum on Wednesday announced the creation of the COVID Action Platform. The global platform, the first of its kind, aims to convene the business community for collective action, protect people’s livelihoods and facilitate business continuity, and mobilize support for the COVID-19 response.


Which of the following is the first country to develop an antibody test to identify the novel corona virus (COVID-19)?

A. China
C. Singapore
D. Japan


Correct Answer: C. Singapore

Detailed About MCQs

In what appears to be a first, disease trackers in Singapore have used an experimental antibody test for COVID-19 to confirm that a suspected patient was infected with the coronavirus. The patient was one of two people who together formed a missing link between two clusters of cases that each occurred in a Singaporean church. Researchers around the world are racing to develop antibody tests, also called serological tests, that can confirm whether someone was infected even after their immune system has cleared the virus that causes COVID-19. The group that developed the test, at Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore, is among the front-runners, although its assay has to be validated before it is taken into production and deployed widely.