Fear of closed places is known as ____?
A. Philanthropy
B. Misogynist
C. Claustrophobia
D. Ambidextrous
Correct Answer: C. Claustrophobia
A. Philanthropy
B. Misogynist
C. Claustrophobia
D. Ambidextrous
Correct Answer: C. Claustrophobia
A. Fear of Dogs
B. Fear of Water
C. Fear of Open Places
D. Fear of Fire
Correct Answer: C. Fear of Open Places
A. Snake
B. Snow
C. Lighting
D. Thunder
Correct Answer: B. Snow
A. Snake
B. Cat
C. Dog
D. Spiders
Correct Answer: D. Spiders
Arachnophobia comes from the Greek word for spider, which is “Arachne,” and “Phobos,” the Greek word for fear. Arachnophobia is an intense and unreasonable fear of spiders and other eight-legged arachnids such as scorpions.
A. Ochophobia
B. Hodophobia
C. Anemophobia
D. Logophobia
A. Acrophobia
B. Aquaphobia
C. Hypnophobia
D. None of these
A. Photophobia
B. Astrapophobia
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
A. fear of insects
B. fear of injury
C. fear of ice
D. fear of heights
A. Water
B. Heat
C. Ghosts
D. Height
A. homichlophobia
B. pyrophobia
C. eleutherophobia
D. anthophobia